Dementia refers to a progressive decline in the cognitive functions of a person. With this article, know all about the signs and symptoms of dementia.

Symptoms Of Dementia

Dementia comes from a Latin word, which can be broken into two words, de meaning apart, and mens meaning the mind which gives an expression of ‘from the mind’. Dementia is not a precise disease by itself, but it is a group of behavioral and psychological symptoms linked with a variety of diseases and conditions which affect the brain. It can be described as an ailment that leads to progressive decline in cognitive functions of the affected person. Though the incidence of dementia is common in the aged people, the ailment can affect people in almost any and every stage of adulthood. It can affect any, or all, of the cognitive functions of a person, be it memory, attention, language, or problem solving skills. The symptoms of dementia can be reversible or irreversible in nature and in many cases, might not be noticeable till a number of years after a person gets affected by the ailment. Go through the following lines and get information on the signs and symptoms of dementia.
Signs And Symptoms Of Dementia
Memory Loss/ Forgetfulness
One of the main signs of dementia is forgetfulness. The patient may forget some recent incidents and have hard time in recalling information. He/she may forget his/her way back to home, forget names and places, appointments, things, etc. A patient of dementia forgets very often and may not even remember anything at all. mental decline and cognitive also may be another symptoms of dementia.
Problems With Abstract Thinking
A person with dementia may suffer from the lack of abstract thinking. He/she may completely forget the numbers and may have problems in grasping new information. He/she may have problems in understanding about their own safety and may neglect their personal safety.
Personality Changes
Personality change is another trait of person suffering from dementia. He/she may be a sociable person before but after getting dementia, the person may become completely withdrawn, quiet, and unsocial. In addition, a person suffering from dementia gets extreme mood swings such as rage or anger for brief period. The person may also have problems in keeping a proper track of things. They may also lose the trait of initiation. 
Behavioral Problems
A person may have problems doing the normal chores like bathing, cooking, managing finances and may need assistance to do so. He or she may suffer from inability to follow directions and may forget driving. They may also get lost in familiar environment too and completely lose the sense of judgment. He/she may lose the sense of hygiene and do not care for their appearance. Because of their moodiness, a person can also be affected by anxieties and fear. 

A patient of dementia often feels confused and can show repetitive behavior like repeatedly asking questions. He/she may get disoriented and have no knowledge of the time and place. They may also misidentify known people. They may have the problems in understanding languages and may mix words and sentences making it difficult to understand.

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