Are you caught up with the “superwoman syndrome”? Read on to know what exactly superwoman syndrome means.

Superwoman Syndrome

Working hard to satisfy your family, children, career and home? Are you constantly on the run to give in your best, while not receiving anything in return? Do you ever give yourself a break? Do you ever think of yourself in the battle of attending to everyone’s needs? If all these questions fit in your daily routine perfectly, then you are probably suffering from superwoman syndrome. Now, you would be wondering what under-the-sky is this superwoman syndrome? This disorder is as simple as its name - a super working woman. A superwoman is one who extends herself and her energies to fulfill all the needs of her dependents, be it her family, career or social activities. Women struggling to perfect themselves in everything, right from school exams to looks and relationships, are more likely to suffer from emotional problems and eating disorders. The most affected women include moms, professionals, community organizers, activists, volunteers and socialites. While superwoman syndrome affects women in their mature age, young girls of 13 years are also likely to suffer from the symptoms of this disorder. Nonetheless, preventing and overcoming this syndrome is not rocket science. Given here are some ways for overcoming superwoman syndrome.
How To Overcome Superwoman Syndrome
Generate Confidence
Working extremely vigorously can deprive you of your strengths and energies, thus making you feel stressed out and strained. Building self-confidence can help you prevent stress problems that usually develop with time. Believe it or not, the phrase ‘I can’ can make a whole lot of a difference in your being and the way you resolve your problems.
Effective Relationships
Over burdened projects, never-ending home tasks and continuous demands can get on the nerves for anyone. Such is the case with a superwoman as well. In times like these, approaching dependable and trustworthy people can help you feel relaxed and comfortable and ward off the stress. Hence, it is extremely significant in creating relationships with people who can support you whenever in need.
Give Yourself Time
Retreat and rejuvenate yourself by giving a break to yourself from these worldly tensions and chores. Catch up with a friend and move outdoors. Visit a parlor and get a spa treatment, massage or pedicure done. Travel alone exploring new places and markets. To bring in the feel-good factor, you can also go ahead and gift yourself a new pair of dress or shoes. In case you wish to sit back at home, you can read one of your favorites book, or surf some new sites.  Whatever you take up, make sure that you deviate your mind from the routine work.
Give Perfectionism Some Relief
Remember that you cannot be a perfect worker all the time. Hence, give your work some relief from perfectionism. Your house does not have to be clean 24x7; it can sometimes be managed without cleaning. The same goes for dinner; it is perfectly fine if you do not serve dinner at the same time one evening. Keeping aside your dedication will not harm anyone once in a while.
Ask For Assistance
Do not do the entire work yourself, if you can delegate some work to others. Remember, the trick is to be a smart worker instead of a hard worker. While doing the household chores, get help from your kids if they are old enough. You can ask your husband to help you as well. Also, at office or other social places, ask for a helping hand from your colleagues or subordinates to ease your work.

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