If you thought sweet sixteen was the ideal age to celebrate a frivolous girl’s metamorphosis into a charming young lady, you might be held wrong. In few Latin American cultures, fifteen is said to symbolize the appropriate age of transition. The word “Quinceanera” itself is a Spanish word which means “fifteen years”. Although the actual origin of Quinceanera celebration is difficult to trace, some believe it has its roots in the era of Aztecs. It was traditional for the parents of a young Aztec maiden to formally acknowledge her womanhood and provide her with a choice of either getting married or devoting herself to the Hispanic church. However, after Spain conquered the Aztecs in 1521, both native Aztec and catholic Spanish tradition blended together to an extent that Quinceanera tradition became attached to fancy frill and frosting resulting in a musical festivity. From then onwards, quinceanera ceremony is celebrated with a similar grandeur of a wedding. With traditions such as the mass, father-daughter dance, reception and banquet, the quinceanera dress is of paramount importance, just like the wedding gown. Besides this, the hairstyle that she sports comes under scrutiny as well. Styling a quinceanera hairstyle is a challenge since one should retain the youthful grace of girlhood, while portraying an elegant, sophisticated vibe of a lady. There are several hairstyles you can flaunt during a quinceanera party. We have a bunch of them for you to choose from.

Ideas For Quinceanera Hairstyle
Simple Elegance
Want to be free of your tresses’ throughout the ceremony? Go for this simple hairdo which will add both style and elegance to your entire quince look. A cleanly finished bun will set your overall mood for the special day. First, tightly comb your hair into a clean and high ponytail. Set the strands of your ponytail with the help of hairpins. You can use embellishments if you want to create the perfect bun effect.
Cascading Tresses
If you do not wish to sport a much made up hairdo, go for a softer look. Loosely curled hair is a great option you can hit on. First of all make sure that your hair is in its most healthy form and shape. If you need a trimming or a deep leave-on conditioning, go for it the night before the party. Now, go gorgeous with a generous dab of mousse or gel, a high-powered blow dryer and a curling iron.
Half Updo
Confused whether to leave your hair all loose or tie them up before they get messed during the dance? Why don’t you go for a half updo? A section of your hair would remain loose and you can relish both your ideas at the same time. This is even easy to create. All that you have to do is, take two sections from both sides of your hair and pin them up using hair accessories of your choice. Brush the rest of your hair gently, set it with hairspray and flaunt the semi-casual look which never seems to go out of fashion.
Hair Twist
A traditional quinceanera hairstyle for curly hair, this hairdo is best suited for those who wish to wear a tiara. First of all tie your hair into a low ponytail and twist it tightly. Now the twisted hair has to be neatly pinned at the crown of your head with the help of hairpins. The hair which has gone astray can be curled. Set the entire look with a strong hairspray. Now, wear your stone studded tiara and fix it with pins. Here you are, all set to sport the princess bride look.
Braid Crown
Are you upset because you couldn’t arrange for a tiara on time for the party and you desperately wish to wear one? Do not worry. This hairdo will help create a tiara with your own hair. Sounds interesting? Get going then. First, tie your hair into a high ponytail and braid it using colored ribbons of your choice. Now neatly wrap the braid around your head with the help of pins. Pull out a few tendrils to soften the look and then set the hair with a strong hairspray. The braid crown can be adorned with gems or flowers to add further panache to your entire look.