Hemorrhoids for your dog can be very painful and troublesome. Here’s how to treat canine hemorrhoids.

How To Treat Dogs With Hemorrhoids

We all know that fried foodstuffs and chocolates are bad for dogs, almost as good as poison. We try to keep them away from ticks by giving them a regular wash (much to their disappointment!) and keep the veterinarian doctor posted about everything that they did, ate and even what they passed out of their bodies. However, what if they begin to pass out blood from their bodies? Yes, it can actually happen. This is called hemorrhoids and happens because the blood vessels in a dog’s body break or undergo hemorrhage due to excess heat. It is important to know about hemorrhoids in dogs, especially since we live in the tropical belt of the world and since heat is always an issue with India. Here are some symptoms of hemorrhoids in dogs and their treatment.
Treating Hemorrhoids In Dogs
Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids In Dogs 
  • Blood coming from the anus, along with the stool, is the first symptoms you should watch for when it comes to dog hemorrhoids more so if you take your dog in public places to do its business.
  • In case the dog has external hemorrhoids, which can be seen from outside the dog’s body, then it may be found with its face itching, burning and may even experience pain due to the irritation. It can occur when the dog try to deal with the itching and burning by dragging its torso on the ground in an attempt to stop the burning sensation. 
  • As remedy, you could place a bottle of witch hazel into the freezer for an hour or into the refrigerator overnight. This is to be applied to the affected area three times a day in the following way – by saturating a bit of cotton wool with this chilled witch hazel and dabbing it against the affected area. You will need to hold in place until the cotton ball is no longer cold. Since hemorrhoids are caused due to swollen blood vessels, the combination of witch hazel and the coldness will cause the affected blood vessels to tighten, reducing their size.
  • You may have to change your dog's diet. Include more fiber in its diet by adding vegetables to its food; you could also give the dog a spoonful of pureed pumpkin to give some bulk to the stool. Switch from dry dog biscuits to jerky type treats and avoid giving your dog dairy products, especially cheese.
  • Be sure to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis so that you know the problem has not escalated beyond control.
  • Always encourage the mutt to consume more fluids by making sure that it gets a constant supply of fresh water and by giving the dog a little physical exercise every now and then. The exercise will not only help 'move things along' in his tummy, but it will increase blood supply to the affected area, and make the dog thirsty.
  • Every day, before taking the dog for a walk, dab a thin coat of petroleum jelly, preferably unscented, to the affected area near your dog’s anus. After it has done its business, clean its anus thoroughly by wiping the area gently with a baby wipe and apply aloe vera to the affected area.

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