Carpet tiles are the favorite and best form of floor covering when you have kids or pets around. Learn how to install carpet tiles by following the tips listed in this article.

How To Install Carpet Tiles

Just like ceramic or vinyl flooring, carpeting has been a preferred floor covering for years. But since they come in bulk, laying them out by yourself seems to be a daunting and challenging project. And thus, this job is best left to the professionals who, in no time, lay them out giving you a pretty and lovely carpet-layered room or home. To make your task easier, the furnishing industry has come up with carpet tiles that are not only easy to install, but also do not need glue and grout for fixing. If you have ever tried your hands on fitting ceramic or vinyl tiles, they you are going to love installing carpet tiles for sure. Further, if you fear the chances of spilling or staining your carpet tiles, know that you do not have to replace the entire carpet. Replacing the stained carpet tile with a new one will give your entire flooring a new and bright look as ever. Now to know the procedure for installing carpet tiles, go through the following lines and give your home a classy and plush look.
Installing Carpet Tiles
Mark The Center
Since a single tile will lie in the center of the room, determine the center of the room by finding centers of each wall. Measure the length of each wall and divide the measurement by two. Mark this midpoint with a pencil. This will make your task of determining a pattern easier and simpler.
Center A Carpet Square
Measure the length of a carpet square and divide it by two. This will give you the center of the tile. Place the center of the tile length at the center of the wall. Make markings on the wall at each end of the tile. Repeat this process on the other three walls. With the wall markings, chalk out lines from one mark to the other on the parallel wall. The four lines running across the room will create space for the center carpet tile to be placed.
Place The First Square
At the cross hair of the four lines, place the first carpet tile. From here, place the other tiles spreading out towards the entire room. In case the tiles have adhesive backing, do not remove them now.
Create Patterns
If you wish to create patterns with your carpet tiles, use different colored tiles. Place the carpet tiles as per the pattern or design you desire to display in your room. After you have positioned all the tiles, you would have a clear picture of how the end result would be. In case you like the pattern, remove the adhesive backing from each tile and smooth it out into place. However, in case you want to make a few changes, re-place the tiles. Once you get the perfect pattern that you desired for, just remove the adhesive covering and place the tiles.
Fit Squares Against The Wall
Now that you are done with your beautiful pattern with your carpet tiles, it is time to hide the remaining spaces against the walls. Turn over the carpet tile and place it in the empty space. Make markings at both ends of the tile where it overlaps the already pasted tiles on the floor. Cut on the backside of the carpet square neatly with the help of a carpenter’s square or straight edge and a utility knife. Remove the adhesive backing and secure the carpet tile into place. Vacuum your newly installed carpet tiles and voila! Your room has a revamped look! Revel in it!

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