Getting your husband to help you around the house is not an easy job but it is certainly possible. Read on to know more.

How To Get Your Husband Help With The Housework

Juggling between the life at office and taking care of small children, you often would have wished you had a jinnee that would do your household work in a blink of an eye and you could be spared from the agony of cleaning, washing, and mopping. Well, of course you have a jinnee in the shape of your husband. Although you may feel that making your husband help you with the housework is no less miracle than getting a real jinee itself, it is certainly possible. Read on to get the tricks to get your husband help you around the house. He may not be able to finish it at the blink of an eye; it would certainly take a lot of burden off your shoulders. So read on to know more.
Talk It Out
If you are a working woman and have smaller children, then you badly need his help. Talk to him about the situation and the work pressure you are going through. Tell him how tired you get and hate doing all the work alone. However, make sure that you are not shouting, yelling, or even being sarcastic. Just share these feelings with him and you may find him helping you from next time.
Start Slow
Start slow if you want his help for long. Give him easy tasks and the best bet will be to give him one task at a time. Be with or near him when he is doing the task and ask him whether he is enjoying it or not.
Give Him Some Job He Enjoys
Instead of giving him the task of cleaning the closet, which he hates, give him something which he likes doing like arranging the library books. It will then be easier for him and he will enjoy helping you around.
Don’t Be A Control Freak
Don’t be the “Monica” of FRIENDS. He may never have been taught to do the chores and it will only piss him if you try to control the way he is doing something. Let him have his way and you will get the result that you want.
Make It A Game
Instead of making it a planned execution, make it a game like whose plates are cleaner or who can mop the floor better. Let it be fun and you will not have to tell him every time to help you.
Don’t Nag
Nagging will keep him off the work forever. You may feel that he is equally responsible for helping in the housework but nagging will not take you anywhere and you will end up having to work all by yourself. So, be polite and patient while asking him to help you with the work.
Don’t Assess His Work
All right so he may not be good enough but assessing him will only make him back off. No one want to get criticized and so instead of judging him, just be content that he is at least helping you and he is bound to get better by time.
Thank Him
Thank him after he has helped you with the daily chores even though you feel that he is equally responsible for the job. Thanking him will make him happy and instead of grudgingly finishing his work, he will willingly help you.

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