The human skin is blessed with natural oils, which are needed to keep it moist. However, if the naturally produced oils exceed their limit, it gives rise to what is commonly called ‘oily skin’. It could be because of hereditary factors, but if it is not a constant problem and you only get oily skin from time to time then it might be because of an imbalance in hormones. Androgen hormone can be responsible for producing more than usual oil on the skin. This hormone generally acts up during puberty, before the onset of menstrual cycle, at the time of pregnancy and during menopause. Also, the consumption of oral contraceptives can trigger the hormones to produce more oil. And last but not the least, the ultimate whiplash, the by-product of modern lifestyle––stress. Stress can set off the production of cortisol hormone in the body, which is also responsible for skin’s excessive oil production. Oily skin is a common problem and the greasy nature of the skin often leads to the outburst of acne. Daily skin care routine is quintessential to control the over-production of oil by the glands in the skin. Check out the article and get some useful tips for treating oily skin.
