Lunges represent specialized exercises that are meant for lower body workout. Explore tips on how to perform lunges correctly, with this article.

How To Do Lunges

Keeping yourself fit is the biggest challenge in this ever-so busy world. The only solution to it is eating healthy and doing the right kind of exercises. There are various kinds of exercises that you can perform, with each one of them meant for keeping a specific part of your body fit and active. Lunges comprise of one of these specialized exercises, which is effective for lower body workout. They allow you to work all the major muscles of your legs, lengthening and toning them in turn. Lunges are also effective in burning a ton of calories. They are based on the principles of balance and coordination and this why they prove to be useful in sports as well as muscle development. However, it is very important do the lunges in the right way, otherwise they can do potential damage to the knees. Through this article, we have tried to help you know how to do lunges properly.
Basic Steps
  • Hold a dumbbell in each of your hands and keep your arms by your sides.
  • Move one step forward (about two feet) with one leg and then lower your upper body, bending your leg forward.
  • Bend your leg, from the knee, in a way that the knee does not move beyond your toes.
  • Make sure that you keep your knees perpendicular to the ground. Now, push yourself up and back.
  • Repeat the entire procedure with the other leg as well.
Common Errors
While performing lunges, make sure not to repeat the common errors that people often end up doing. The first error is leaning forward on the way down. This can make you lose your balance and will put unnecessary stress on your back as well. The second error commonly seen is that people step too far or too near. Make sure that when you step forward, you cover a distance of somewhere about two feet.
Tips To Perform Lunges Correctly 
  • If you are doing lunges for the first time, make sure to stand in front of the mirror for a few initial days. This will help you check out your poses, correct them and carry on with the right posture.
  • Always start your workouts with reverse lunges. This will reduce pressure on your knee caps and lower the probability of knee injuries.
  • Many people do lunges with weights, for effective results. However, if you are just starting the exercise, try stationary lunges, without any weights.
  • Exert your weight on the heel of your front foot, whether you are doing reverse, stationary or walking lunges. This will reduce the pressure on your knees.
  • Make two 90 degree angles with your legs, when you hit the bottom of your lunge. Your legs should always make 90 degree angle.
  • Keep your upper body erect and shoulders vertical, while doing the lunges, so that there is no extra strain on any body part.
  • Do not let your shoulders round forward or the upper body pivot at the waist, while doing the exercise.
  • Never set both your legs in a straight line, while performing lunges. Always make sure that you have kept them horizontally separated, by approximately six inches, to maintain your balance.

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