Determining your skin type will help you opt for correct products and help take proper care of your skin. With this article, explore various ways on how to determine your skin type.

How To Determine Your Skin Type

You may not possess angel-like beauty, but with a radiant and glowing skin, you can enhance your look and appearance. In fact, beautiful skin makes you feel confident about yourself. However, to possess healthy skin, one needs to work on it and take proper care and grooming. The first and foremost step, in the process of getting healthy skin, is to identify your skin type. If only you know how to determine your skin type, would you be able to groom your skin well. The information will also come handy while buying cosmetics and skin care products, as almost all of them are all classified according to skin types. There are a number of methods, which can help you in determining your skin type, some of which have been mentioned below.
Ways Of Determining Your Skin Type
Magnifying Mirror
In order to identify your skin type, catch hold of a magnifying mirror, as a normal mirror and soft lighting can be deceptive. A magnifying mirror will highlight every minute detail of your skin and let you know what is actually happening therein. It may be unsightly, as you will be able to see the blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, craters, freckles and even wrinkles. All these will give you an idea about your skin type.
Tissue Test
Wash your face and leave it for half an hour. Now, press a clean tissue paper against your forehead, nose, cheeks and chins, without rubbing over the surface of your skin. Remove the tissue paper and examine it properly. In case you have oily skin and your glands are working overtime, the tissue will have greasy marks on it. If you possess dry skin, the tissue will be spotless. If the tissue is spotted on the forehead and nose area, but spotless on other parts, it means that you have combination skin.
Litmus Test
You must be aware of the fact that the pH factor of your skin serves as a measure of its acidity. A pH factor of value 7 represents perfect balance. When the pH factor is above 7, it means that you skin is alkaline and when it is below 7, it indicates acidic skin. It is on the basis of this pH factor that a litmus test helps you determine your skin type. To use the teats, thoroughly clean your face and leave it for an hour, to make sure that the result is not affected by soap or cosmetics leftovers.
Around one hour after washing your face, place a litmus paper against your skin and keep it there for a minute. If the paper remains blue, it means your skin lacks acidity and you have oily skin. This type of skin is prone to infections. If the litmus turns red, your skin is too acidic and can be termed as dry. A dry skin is delicate and sensitive and tends to mature early. If your skin turns the litmus paper pink, it means you are one of the rare possessors of normal skin.

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