Dealing with a manipulative partner largely depends on the amount of control present in the relationship. Read on to find tips on how to deal with a controlling partner.

How To Deal With A Controlling Partner

While a relationship should render you excited and energized, a controlling relationship can leave you worried and tired. Dealing with a controlling partner is one of the most complicated relationship problems. A controlling relationship mostly results in resentment, depression and low self-esteem in the victimized partner. Moreover, it affects the fabric of a relationship and corrodes away every aspect of married life, right from finances to social life and sex. However, rather than sulking and ripping apart the relationship, you need to understand what has lead to this sort of behavior in the first place. Was it his/her past experiences?  Is it because of too much mental pressure? Bear in mind, there can be various other reasons for your partner to behave dominantly. As such, it becomes your responsibility to analyze the situation carefully and solve it as soon as possible. Given here are some tips that can help you in dealing with a manipulative partner. Go ahead and let your relationship start afresh.  
Dealing With A Controlling Partner
Do Not Break Off
Just because you feel that yours is a controlling relationship, do not break off with your partner. Breaking off a relationship will not benefit you; instead it would worsen the matter. Also, such a behavior may not be your partner’s fault entirely, as it could be due to his/her childhood conditioning or personal experiences with insecurity. If you know that your partner loves you deeply, work on the relationship to make it more fulfilling, rather than moving away from it.
Help To Get Over Insecurities
Once you know the reasons behind your partner applying his/her controlling behavior over you, you are less likely to get trapped by it again. Communicate with your partner with respect and try making the necessary changes. Giving him/her your unconditional love can go a long way in healing the deepest of insecurities in him/her. Love conquers all and who knows your unconditional love might break all the barriers of insecurity in your beloved, thereby making him/her more adjusting and less controlling.
Control Your Own Happiness
A relationship is not a source of seeking happiness, but only an avenue to share love. Hence, stop depending upon any outside factors to satisfy you. Do not blame your partner for not satisfying you. Remember, your happiness is your own responsibility. Take charge of your satisfaction and you will get your relationship on track once again, since you will no longer be feeding it with your insecurities.
Prioritize Your Own Decisions
A controlling relationship often affects personal decisions. Do not let your partner dictate every step of yours, as it will only lead to resentment, rather than freedom. Remember, love blossoms better in a free environment than bondage. Give in to what your partner says or dictates occasionally. Adhering to every word he/she says and going by it would only make your partner more dominant and controlling, thereby ruining your freedom and liberty. 
Love Life Vs Personal Life
You need to understand that a relationship is only one aspect of life and not the only thing in life. Hence, learn to balance your personal life by appreciating various beautiful experiences that life has to offer, rather than crying over your relationship. If you limit your life to just one relationship, you are bound to feel strangled. Remember, life is all about living and experiencing the bounty of God and not of one relationship.
Take Advice From A Professional
If everything else fails, consult a therapist or a counselor to get in control of the situation so created. With a professional’s advice, you will get an idea of what should be done by both of you to deal the situation tolerantly. In case your partner is not willing to seek help from a therapist, then it is best to withdraw from the relationship temporarily or permanently.

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