During a child's teenage, communication becomes a problem for parents. Check out tips on communicating with teenagers.

How To Communicate With Teen

Communication is very essential, as it forms the basis of all relations. From the time we are born, communication begins. In our childhood, we mainly communicate with our parents, especially our mother. However, as we grow, the level of communication with our parents’ dips, while there is a considerable increase in the communication carried out with friends. It is a very common sight to find parents cribbing about the depleting communication level with their teenage son or daughter. In case you are one amongst such parents and are looking for ways to enhance the level of communication between you and your teen, this article would be of help. In the following lines, we have provided tips on how to communicate with teens.
Healthy Communication With Teenagers 
  • You must be well adept in practicing good communication always. Know the basics of communication with teens, such as understanding, flexibility and open-mindedness.
  • Always make sure that you are available for your teenage kids. Even if not present in the immediate vicinity, you should at least be accessible through technology. When there is no ways to reach a person, communication usually stops. So, make sure that you can be contacted.
  • Ask open-ended questions to your teen. Remember, teenage is the time when a youngster is buzzing with energy and forming new ideas and beliefs. This kind of discussion would allow you to develop a bond that may be of extreme help in the future.
  • There must be a consistency in your replies and in your reasoning. If you do not remain constant in your ideology and reasoning, you would not be able to strike a chord with your growing adolescent.
  • Coming to rules and regulations, most teens hate them. They feel rules restrict their freedom and their space. Impose rules on them, but do not get harsh. Stay stern and be clear about the boundaries; what is expected and what is not.
  • It is very important to review the rules and boundaries with your teen on a regular basis. Allow them to negotiate in a healthy way.
  • If you are angry over some matter, do not talk to your teenage child at that very moment, as you may end up scolding or even abusing him/her, which is likely to disrupt communication for future. Instead, wait till your anger subdues. Then, discuss the matter and tell him/her about your expectations and how you want things to shape up in future, if anything like this ever crops up.
  • While making a decision, contemplate for at least 10 minutes before announcing. Even when the answer would be the same as the child expects, your ten minutes would show that you have looked at the pros and cons of the situation, before coming to a conclusion and you are not biased.
  • Have a controlled behavior. Do not be sarcastic towards your child. This may restrict any further communication. One thing that you should not do is belittle or demean your teens in front of someone or in public places. This would not only restrict their communication with you, but also hamper their self esteem and self confidence. 
  • Let the consequences determine the punishment for a specific action that your teen has performed. Be a silent communicator and discipline the teen in a way that the punishment does not seem harsh or loud, but does make the teen understand where he/she went wrong.
  • It is very important to praise your teen, but in a descriptive way. This would enable you to develop a healthy relationship and also make the teen understand what is right and wrong.
  • Even if you are an adult, learn to apologize when you are at fault. This would make the teenager feel that you think rationally and have a balanced nature.
  • It is very important to have one meal together with the whole family. This would inculcate good feeling in the child and enhance communication.

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