Do you admire the look of your favorite model and secretly wish to look as beautiful as her? Sure you do! Every girl wants to look beautiful and attractive, whether she admits or not is a different question. However, you don’t need to spend a fortune on cosmetics and beauty care products to become beautiful. A multi-layered makeup won’t make you beautiful unless you have a healthy body and follow a proper diet. The key to looking gorgeous is to stay healthy and fit. It is always said that true beauty resides within you. Unless you are a beautiful person inside, you won’t look beautiful outside, although you put up loud makeup and fancy dresses. As the old saying goes, “face is the mirror of your inner self”, your physical look reflects your confidence, your outlook, self respect, and how good you are as a human being. Although beauty is god gifted, however, you can enhance it to a great extent by taking daily care of your health. To know more about how to become beautiful, just scroll through the next section.

Image: tmarsee530@flickr
Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. If you are living in a hot and humid city, increase your water and fluid intake. Water helps to keep your body hydrated and flush away all the toxins from your blood.
Eat healthy and eat on the right time. Many people tend to skip their meals and starve themselves in order to become thinner. However, skipping meals can take a wreck on the body and lead to severe consequences. Instead, eat nutritious food and do exercise regularly. A 45 minute brisk walk daily helps you to burn out calories and make you fit and strong.
Always wear makeup that suits your age and skin type. While young girls and teenagers look best in their natural beauty, older women can wear makeup according to the occasion.
Never overdo your makeup.
How you dress yourself plays an important role in your overall appearance. Wear anything that makes you comfortable and suits your figure. Keep a tab on the latest fashion trends and dress yourself accordingly to create your own style statement. The way you carry yourself can do a lot of wonder on how you look.
Whatever hairstyle you sport, it should suit on your face type. Brush hair regularly, wash regularly, and keep it clean.
Always wear a nice and natural smile that will definitely enhance your face value. If you think your teeth are not that white, you can take help of teeth whitening products or visit a dentist’s chamber.
Include a 15-minute daily skin care routine in your schedule. Clean your face with a gentle face wash after you return home from work. Use a cleansing milk to remove dirt and makeup remains. You can also use a scrubber to gently exfoliate the dead cells from your skin. Apply a moisturizer and massage gently in upward circular motion. If you have an oily skin, you can opt for oil-free moisturizer. Use cosmetics of reputed brands. It may cost you a little more, but the price is worth it.
How you look depends much on your attitude. Having the right attitude makes you look beautiful from within.
The way you sit or stand makes a difference in the way you appear. A right posture can make you attractive!