It is a beautiful day on the beach and everything seems just perfect for you to get the tan you have always wanted. You stretch out and get ready to enjoy those glorious, warm rays. Suddenly, you see someone passing by, with red, blotchy skin - sunburn! You lose all interest in getting tanned and scoot into the shade, since you don’t want to suffer from sunburn too. Sunburns are painful and unattractive and can lead to skin cancer too. They occur when your skin is exposed to sunlight for a long time. When a person suffers from sunburn, his/her skin becomes painful, turns red and even gets full of blisters, in extreme cases. At times, there is swelling as well. So, it is essential that you know how to protect yourself from sunburn, especially during the summer months, so as to get the best out of the warm weather. Read on to find out effective tips on how you can avoid sunburns.

Image: By Axelv (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons