Met the guy of your dreams? He is perfect, isn’t he? Those dreamy eyes, creamy complexion, serenading talks… He makes perfect sense in your life. Life was not this beautiful before but, he made your world a wonderful place to be in. This is as close as perfect can be. You have never been so sure. Our advice is, do not sit there and wait for him to make a move, and ask you to marry him. You are a woman of today, take the lead. If you are sure about this and nothing can change your mind, then you ask for what you want. The conventional days are gone, when a man bore the sole responsibility of taking the relationship to next level, by asking a woman to marry him. When in today’s time and era, a woman is walking shoulder to shoulder to a man in everything, then why not in emotional and personal matters as well. A woman is as much capable to take the charge in a relationship and asking for what she wants, as a man. These days, men are also quite comfortable with women taking on the conventional role, in a relationship. In fact, most men prefer their partners to take the lead and be the initiator and a decision maker, in the relationship. Women, who pop the question, are considered to be bold, sexy, decisive and assertive. They are thought to be the kinds who know what they want and how to get it. But you don’t have to be a manly-woman to do that or go against your usual poise and charm. The important thing is to understand, whether you are the kind of woman who would naturally enjoy doing that or not. No matter what the trend is, you do not have to push yourself into something that does not suit your ideology. If you are the kind of girl, who would like your man to ask you to marry him, then nothing is worth in the world to deprive yourself of that pleasure, that precious moment. There is nothing wrong in believing in the old-fashioned hierarchy in a relationship. But if you are our girl, then remember to not lose your innate feminine charm and womanly grace, while asking the question. The key to asking your man to marry you lies in your natural poise. Let us guide you through the whole process of asking a man to marry you, because we understand that, no matter how confident you are, it can be an un-nerving experience and a little preparation will not hurt anyone.

Make Up Your Mind
First try and understand yourself. Question yourself if you really want it. Do you truly believe in the concept of a woman taking the lead or are you still a believer of the conventions? If you have even the slightest doubt, then our advice is to not do it at all. It is because it will show in your personality. You will not look as confident or as sure and in the matters like these, your surety impacts your partner’s surety. Once you are sure that this is what you want to do, then do not look back.
Gather Confidence
Now it is time for you to gather the confidence to do it. Feel confident that you are breaking all the clichés and this will make your man fall in love with you all over again. Do not be shy.
Research Work
Put in some research work into whether or not your man would like you to take the lead. There is a good chance that he wants to do it and is waiting for the right time. Try and anticipate his perception towards this. If he wants to take the lead and ask you to marry him, then you certainly do not want to spoil it for him. After all, you love him so much that his happiness is your happiness.
Choose A Venue
Decide where you want to do this, whether at a romantic place or a place where you both have spent a lot of time together or a place that has an emotional value to the both of you. The important thing is to look out for your comfort-ability. You should be comfortable with the place and scenario. It should look natural and not made up. The place should calm you down and not make you nervous in anyway.
Choose The Right Words
Prepare beforehand what you want to say, to avoid looking like you are confused. You should be ready with the opening thought or opening line. You should talk in a way that he should be able to get your hints. Look straight in his eyes and ask the question. Do not stop yourself if you feel emotional or over-whelmed. It is bound to happen as it is a huge moment in any woman’s life. Express yourself completely, do not hold back. If you have come this far then there should not be any regrets. If he is the right guy for you then he would find all of this adorable and would understand how much guts it took you to step into a different role altogether.
Do not forget to capture the moment. Take a picture and frame it. Getting a proposal for marriage is a big thing in any woman’s life and proposing your man is all the more special. We should break the conventions and should be able to express ourselves in our relationships. So if you are deciding to propose your man then, take a deep breathe, buckle up and be your charming self. All the best.