You can attain shiny, straight hair at home also! How? Simple - by using herbs! Read more to find out how to make your homemade herbal hair straightener

Homemade Hair Straightener Using Herbs

When it comes to straight hair, Jennifer Aniston had to take first place. She was the one who created the trend of pin-straight long hair, which seems to be here to stay. Like her, there is another beauty Cameron Diaz, who simply looks gorgeous with her short or sometimes shoulder-length, straight hair! Coming closer to home, Kangana Ranaut with her curly hair looked great. However, it was her straight hair and specs look in ‘Life In A Metro’, which won her even more fans. Similarly, in a recent press conference, Bollywood beauty Asin just looked stunning with her long dark straight hair, styled half up and half down, draping her shoulders. Straight hair has and will always be a subject of much interest, because it’s simply one great hairstyle that can never go out of fashion. Looking at gorgeous women like Jennifer Aniston and Asin, who wouldn’t like to have straight, shiny hair? While these women have big bucks to spend in parlors, to attain the super shiny straight hair, you can attain that look at home as well! Simply make homemade hair straightener using herbs. Here are some tips to help you out in the task!
Image: Robert Couse-Baker@flickr
How To Make Herbal Hair Straightener
Which Herbs To Use?
Many of us suffer from frizzy, curly and unruly hair and wish to avoid hot iron or harsh chemicals to make them manageable. Now, there are herbs that can help you straighten your curly hair without damaging it. Here, you need to remember that moisture plays a key role in stopping unruly curls and fizz. The herbs that have powerful moisturizing qualities include rose geranium, chamomile, cedar wood, sandalwood, burdock, lavender, rose and rosemary. These herbs can serves as primary ingredients in your natural hair products. They will keep the hair follicles on your scalp flat, thus producing a natural and moist straightening effect that is free of fizz.
Mix & Match Herbs
  • From the above-mentioned herbs, choose your favorite one.
  • Add five teaspoons of the herb to the boiling water and let it boil for 30 minutes.
  • Now, add one tablespoon of vinegar.
  • After you are done shampooing, shampoo apply this solution to your hair and leave it as curl straightener.
Coconut Milk Straightener
Coconut milk has a calming effect on your hair follicles and it is an easy to make hair straightener as well. So, go ahead and use some coconut milk to help your hair remain smooth and shine.
  • To prepare a hair straightener using coconut milk, the first step is to let the milk sit for sometime, until a cream appears on top. With a spoon, remove the cream and mix it with half part lime juice.
  • Add three drops of lavender, chamomile, and burdock oil to coconut mixture. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator, until it thickens. Rub this thick mixture on your hair, focusing on spilt ends and frizzy areas. Wrap your hair in a cotton towel and leave it for an hour.
  • Shampoo and rinse your hair. If this natural hair straightener mixture is used twice or thrice in a week, it will help keep your curly hair tame and provide you with a stunning look!
Deep Conditioning
A deep conditioner made from herbs will benefit your hair follicles. Here is the method by which you can prepare your deep conditioner. Mix two ounce of aloe vera gel with a warm oil of your choice (you can choose coconut oil as well). To the oil, add six drops of lavender essential oil, rose geranium, or sandalwood. Apply this mixture to you scalp. This deep conditioner can be left on hair for up to two hours and then rinse off. It will help your curly hair relaxed and leave the strands smooth and soft.

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