To keep the house clean can be a very expensive exercise. Read the article below to get an idea of recipes for homemade cleaning.

Homemade Cleaning Recipes

Keeping the home spic and span can be a task by itself, the kitchen being the main battlefield. Stains and smudges, rise like headaches, which require a lot of scrubbing to remove. In addition, the super market stores are filled with countless cleaners promising heaven. Spoilt for choice, we ultimately pick up the most chemically potent cleaner, sacrificing safety for a clean spot. These chemical wonders, more often as not, remove the stains and smudges by covering them with their own mark. Sometimes they even join the stains, not to mention, the health hazards and the risk, for the children. Commercial cleaners are also very expensive and since they need to be used almost every day, it is not a viable option. Not many people know that many ingredients from the kitchen can be mixed and matched to form cleaning liquids that are very effective, safe, and cheap. Moreover, you don’t need your own laboratory to conjure them. A bucket, a spray bottle, or a mug is just what you need. Read the article below to get an idea on how you can cook up some homemade cleaning recipes.
Recipes For Homemade Cleaning 
  • The most basic form of cleaning recipe can be made by the ingredients, which are found in the kitchen itself. Baking soda is widely used for cleaning, because of its gentle abrasive property, and deodorizing quality, which makes it an attractive option against harsh commercial cleaners. Mix some salt and vinegar to the baking soda and you have, a potent cleaning weapon to, remove stains and dirt.
  • It can be quite a task to remove oily stains from glass, and give it a shiny look. However, using household ingredients, a very efficient cleaning solution can be made that will give your glassware that gleaming look. Take two cups of water, half a cup of cider vinegar, one- fourth of a cup of 70% alcohol, and mix it. Then add four to five drops of orange essential oil, to give it a fragrance, and store it in a spray bottle. Spray it on a clean cloth and then wipe the glass.
  • For a stronger cleaning option, ammonia can be used. Take one tablespoon of household ammonia and mix it with 1 tablespoon of detergent and two cups of water in a spray bottle. Use it to scrub out the more stubborn stains.
  • Lemon juice and olive oil can be used effectively to clean and polish wooden furniture. In a spray bottle, mix one cup of olive oil to half a cup of limejuice. Spray it on a piece of cloth and then wipe the wooden surface. It is non abrasive and so the wood is not harmed. The olive oil protects the wood and gives it a shine, while the lemon dissolves the dirt and stains.
  • For an all-purpose cleaner, fill a spray bottle with two cups of hot water. To it, add one tablespoon of borax, two tablespoon of white vinegar, half a tablespoon of washing soda and vegetable detergent. Mix it well.
  • To clean clogged basin and drains, sprinkle generous amount of baking soda over the area you wish to clear. Then add vinegar and allow it to set for ten minutes. Take a bucket of hot water and pour it down the drain or pipe. The combined action of the baking soda and vinegar unclogs the drain.
  • Another method to make a drain cleaner is to mix, one-eighth of potassium hydrogen tartrate (cream of tartar) and half a cup of salt and baking soda with six cups of hot water. Pour it down the drain and keep overnight to set. Next, flush it with cold water.
  • Bleach and vinegar can be used as toilet bowl cleaner. Add half a cup of vinegar to the toilet bowl, and leave it for approximately thirty to forty minutes. Use a toilet brush to remove the tough stains and then flush. Alternatively, mix one cup of bleach to a liter of water and store it in a gallon. Take a cup of the mixture, pour it around the toilet, and leave it for thirty minutes. Use a brush to scrub the stains and then flush.

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