Dogs at any time face the risk of an array of health related disorders. Read on to discover the health problems in dogs.

Health Problems In Dogs

Nothing can be better than coming home to a friendly and affectionate dog after a long day at work. Really, it doesn’t get better than that. Your pet pooch is willing to shower you with generous scoops of affection and it’s your obligation as the ‘owner’ (abused word that it is) to look out for it. Why wouldn’t you want to? After all, your dog is your best friend. In order to be a perfect master, it is essential to gain knowledge on the diseases and ailments that can plague your dog. You also have to take appropriate steps to put at bay diseases that can impair the health of your dog. Some diseases can even lead to death. So it’s important to be wary when it comes to the health and survival of your dog. In order to take care of your pet, a hygienic environment should be provided and dietary rules should be followed. Make a move; read on to discover the health problems in dogs.
Common Health Problems In Dogs 

Skin Diseases
A common and pesky ailment, skin diseases in dogs are mainly caused due to the presence of external parasites. Oral injections, ointments, oral medications, and medicinal baths are the best way to deal with skin diseases in dogs. 

Rabies is a dreaded disease and occurs only in mammals. It is transmitted through the saliva or through a bite from an infected animal. The biggest issue to rabies is the fact that there is no treatment available for the disease. An assured death is what rabies brings along with it. Prevention is better than cure, isn’t it? Well, the same applies for rabies. The best way to deal with rabies is to prevent its occurrence. Your dog has to be vaccinated and contact with un-vaccinated dogs should be minimized or eliminated. 

Dog Flu
Dog flu or canine influenza is the result of your dog coming into contact with the influenza virus A (H3N8). The virus is usually transmitted via a cough or a sneeze. It is highly contagious and can even come upon a dog that comes in direct contact with the nasal secretions of an affected dog. The immune system of a dog cannot battle against the virus due to the lack of previous exposure to the same. It can take a week or two for a dog to recover from the flu, but the symptoms for the same can be severe and plenty. 

Conjunctivitis or ‘Pink Eyes’ affects the eyes of your dogs too. Here, the transparent and lubricating membrane that covers the eyeball and the surface below the eyelid starts to swell up. This inflammation can lead to eyes that look either pink or red. The eye problems can be caused by infections, dust, allergies, skin diseases, chemicals, parasites, etc. The eye ailment may also arise from an unknown cause. 

Enteritis or the inflammation of the intestines is a common illness faced by dogs and other domestic pet animals. The infection is caused by a host of viruses and bacteria. Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Shigella, etc. are examples of the bacteria that can cause enteritis. This disease can break through the barriers of age and breed. Your dog, no matter its breed or age can always get enteritis. Proper dog care and hygiene is a must to keep enteritis at bay. 

Yeast Infection
Yeast infection is the last thing you would want your dog to get. It begins with a rash and can thicken and become another ‘entity’ all by itself. Dogs are allergic to yeast, and their immune systems cannot cope with the multiplication of the foreign bodies. The infection is mostly caused by the overgrowth of a variety of yeast called Candida. A diet that’s high on grains and low on meat, excessive use of vaccines and medications and thyroid problems can be related to the occurrence of this disorder. 

Giardia is one-celled parasite that can thrive in the intestine of your pet. When a dog’s intestines are infested with giardia, the feces of the dog will look infected. The parasites can enter your dog’s system if it eats contaminated feces or drinks contaminated water. Your dog can win the fight against giardia if it has a strong immune system, but a weak and incapable system can lead to the occurrence of the disease. Giardia in the feces of your dog can, not only pollute the environment but can also result in infections and disorders in other animals and humans.  

Dogs at times can wriggle around uncomfortably or even furiously; don’t mistake this for playfulness or aggression. Your dog is mostly going through a seizure caused by irregular processing of neurons in the cerebrum. The seizures can stretch from less harmful to life threatening conditions. It can also occur along with muscular contractions and weakened mental awareness. Seizures can occur due to brain tumors, poisons, liver diseases, worm infestations, low blood sugar, vitamin deficiencies, dog cancer, and vaccinations. 

Obese dogs are most likely to get pancreatitis. This is mainly due to a diet low on protein and high on fats. Here, the enzymes secreted by the pancreas begin to harm the tissues of the organ itself and this causes the inflammation of the pancreas. This harm results in the disorder called ‘Pancreatitis’. Pancreatitis in dogs can lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea and a loss in appetite. If the disorder is chronic, it can take a toll on the function of breathing and the heart too.

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