Having a daycare in the workplace has both pros and cons. Check out the advantages and disadvantages of workplace daycare, listed below, and ascertain whether it is workable for you.

Daycare In The Workplace

With the concept of working parents and nuclear families catching on, daycare facilities have started mushrooming. It is the second best place, after house, where parents can leave their children. However, even with the daycare facilities, it is not easy to juggle professional and personal life, especially if the facility is located far away from the office or does not coincide with the office timings. In such a case, parents are always on the run, either picking up or dropping their child. This hampers the work routine and displeases the senior management also. All these problems have given birth to the concept of daycare in the workplace. However, even these are not without disadvantages. In the following lines, we have mentioned the pros and cons of daycare in the workplace, which will help you ascertain, whether the concept is workable for you or not.
The Pros 
  • The time that parents spend in commuting between their workplace and the daycare center is greatly reduced.
  • It helps parents keep focused on the job, as they know that their child is very close to them and they can reach to him/her in a matter of minutes.
  • Mothers, who have to return to their jobs within a few weeks of delivery, can still breastfeed the baby.
  • In case of any emergency, such as a medical problem, parents can be with their child in almost no time and take him/her to the hospital, without those precious moments getting lost.
  • Parents get more time to spend with their child. They can have lunch together or meet the child during tea breaks.
  • The daycare facility provided at the workplace is often much more economical than the outside ones, leading to reduction in your monthly expenses. 
The Cons 
  • Parents might always have the urge of going to the daycare facility and checking on the child. This might interfere with the work routine.
  • The staff of the daycare might not to be good enough for handling children, forcing parents to check every now and then.
  • The interaction of the parents, with office colleagues, might become very less, since they prefer to spend time with their child.
  • There is always the danger of a daycare facility on the office closing down, which is not there in the outside ones.

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