Which is the largest organ of human body? Obviously skin and taking care of this organ is not only extremely important just because looks matter, but also extremely tough for the skin type changes with every inch of the body. Obviously the skin on your feet is different from the skin on your face but did you know that even the skin on your face may not be of the same texture. No? Of course yes! Haven’t you ever heard of combination or mixed skin? That’s what it is. A facial skin which is not completely dry or oily is called a combination skin. It does not mean that it is a perfect balance between oily and dry, which would actually make it normal skin. In fact, it means that some part of the face is dry, while the other is oily. And generally it is the T-zone that is oily. This T-zone comprises of the forehead, the nose and the chin and is so called because of the shape that these features form on the face, resembling the letter T. In case you have such a skin type, know that the only way to deal with this kind of skin is to treat each portion separately. Let’s read on how to do it!

Image: dermatology.com@flickr
How To Care For Combination Skin
Know Your Skin
The best way to know if you have a combination skin is a medical way. You can get yourself checked by a dermatologist and he will conduct all the necessary tests on your facial skin and give you scientific details of what is your skin like. To know whether or not you have a combination skin at home, you need to follow the following steps. Wash your face with your regular face wash right before you go to sleep. Wipe out your face completely and do not put any moisturizer or cream on it. Keep a stack of cotton or tissue papers by your bedside. Pick some cotton or a tissue in the morning and wipe your face with it. Start with the T-zone and then gradually move to the cheeks and under eye area. If your tissue gets oily on the T-zone and stays normal on the rest of the face, then you have a combination skin condition.
General Tips
Treat oily and dry areas differently. Generally this kind of skin is just a little oily and a little dry. As such, there is no need to panic. You can use normal skin masks to care for your skin type, but in case the skin is facing extreme dryness or oiliness, it is advisable to treat the areas differently.
Make sure you wash your face at least twice a day and use only mild cleansers for doing so. Get a soap-free cleanser. Harsh soaps or alcohol-based cleansers contain oil production reducing agent, which can be pretty bad for the dry part of the face.
After cleansing, use some good moisturizer for the dry parts. Even the sunscreen that you use to fight the sun exposure should be oil-free.
Some people with combination skin may benefit from a combination of two masks used once a week. A clay mask is applied to the oily area and a moisturizing mask which is applied to the dry areas.
Separate Treatment Tips
Oily Areas
Use moisturizer only when extremely necessary. Make sure you pick one that is oil-free. Also, while applying, take just a drop or two of it.
Apply gentle astringent or toner formulated specially for combination skin upon these areas.
Make sure you always use oil-free and/or oil absorbing cosmetics on these areas to avoid unnecessary shine.
Never ever sleep with makeup on because oily areas tend to get worse with makeup, leading to acne and pimples. Always use a mild makeup remover to get rid of the makeup before you go to sleep.
Make sure you apply oily face masks on the oily areas of your face when the skin is extremely oily.
The best mask for oily skin is oatmeal mixed with a tiny bit of water. Apply this only on the oily parts of your face. Let it sit till it dries and then wash off with warm water.
If your hair holds grease and oil, wash it at least twice a week. This should help the skin balance too.
Dry Areas
Avoid alcohol-based cleansers and other oil preventive products on the dry areas.
Do not scrub the dry and normal parts of your face for those would further dry them. When scrubbing the dry areas, mix a little lotion or cream with the scrub and then rub on the face to avoid dryness.
Apply a moisturizer to the dry areas so that the patches are not formed.