A bunch of carnations is all that you need to add sparkle to your life. Go through the article, to know about carnation flower meaning & symbolism.

Carnation Flower Meaning

The presence of a carnation flower anywhere signifies divinity. The literal meaning of ‘carnation flower’ is the ‘flower of love’, while it is also sometimes referred to as the ‘flower of god’. Therefore, a carnation flower is considered auspicious in several circles. Its hues of pink, red, peach and orange brighten the atmosphere of the place where it is kept and also helps lift the mood. While most of us are aware of the fact that a carnation flower was first notified in Greek and Latin history, did you know that each color of carnation flower bears a separate meaning? Did you know that the carnation flower has graced the earth for the past 2000 years? These are some of the strange but interesting facts associated with carnation flowers, facts which also make the flower fascinating for us.
Facts About Carnations
  • It is believed that carnation flowers sprung up in places where the tears of the Virgin Mary fell when she cried out in pain on seeing her son Jesus nailed to a cross. This flower was pink in color.
  • The name ‘carnation flowers’ was first mentioned in Greek literature. It has been grown in several countries since then, for more than 2000 years.
  • According to some historians, the flower was named carnation because it was used in coronation ceremonies of the Greeks. Another group of historians claimed that the name was derived from the Latin word ‘caro’, which means flesh, referring to the original color of a carnation flower. Several others are of the opinion that ‘carnation’ comes from a reference to the incarnation of God.
  • The carnation flower is worn across many cultures on special occasions such as St Patrick’s Day, Teacher’s Day and Mother’s Day. It is used for decoration at weddings and also at funerals.
  • A carnation flower can usually stay alive for long hours even after it is removed from water. In fact, the flower looks fresh after several hours and that is why it is preferred during ceremonial decorations.
Carnation Flower Symbolism
Though the original color of the carnation flower was a shade of pink bordering on red, carnations are now available in a variety of colors ranging from red to white and yellow to purple. And strangely, each of these varieties of carnation flowers bear a separate meaning. The significance associated with the different colors are listed below.
White Carnation
White carnations depict good luck, innocence, faithfulness and love. However, it is said that there can never be love between two people who exchange a striped white carnation flower.
Red Carnation
The color red has since times immemorial signified the purity of heart and the feeling of love. Carnations are available in two variants of red - while light red stands for friendship, dark red stands for love.
Yellow Carnation
The yellow carnation has a depressing feel to it. The yellow flower is used to show denial, refute, conflict and a despondent state of mind. 
Pink Carnation
Since pink carnations have the connection with the Bible, they are symbolic of a mother’s love for her child. It is said that the pink carnation is the most divine among all the varieties of the flower.
Purple Carnation
Purple carnations are associated with a whimsical or unreliable nature. It is typically used in France during funeral ceremonies.
Indeed, carnation is perhaps the only one flower which bears such a variety of meanings. Now that you know the symbolism associated with the different carnations, take your pick.

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