Abuse of any kind, low self esteem or fear can be some of the few reasons for your child’s aggressive behaviour. Investigate this article to learn more.

Aggressive Behaviour In Children

Is your child stubborn and disobedient? Is he or she unfriendly and fights with other children over small issues? If yes, then these are some of the common situations faced by parents of aggressive and violent children. Aggressive behaviour in children is common in today’s society. With hectic schedules, tougher academic course outlines, changing lifestyles and cutthroat completion even at the elementary levels, it is but natural for children to vent out their frustration in violent ways. Pushing, beating, kicking and swearing are some of the common aggressive behavioural patterns displayed. It is important to note that, children who are belligerent will turn out to be aggressive when as adults as well! It is therefore of the essence to nip the problem in the bud.  So how can these behavioural patterns in children be corrected and altered? Well, this article is all about dealing with the aggressive behaviour in children and providing answers to all questions that you as parents might have. Read on to gain knowledge.

Causes Of Aggressive Behaviour In Children

  • Low self-esteem in children due to some situation is one of the main causes of aggressive behaviour in children.
  • Children can also undergo stress or might suffer from emotional problems. This kind of an emotional breakdown can also make them aggressive.
  • If the child’s communication has not completely developed, it can lead to him or her becoming violent. This usually happens because the child might want to convey some message. Lack of communication skill is the major cause of aggressive behaviour in children.
  • Children tend to develop aggressive behaviour if they are suffering from some kind of an abuse at home. Any form of an emotional or physical abuse will make the child resort to aggression.
  • Peer Company is not only capable of spoiling the mature lot, but also kids as well. If kids play in the company of other aggressive and violent children, they tend to pick up aggressive behaviour pretty soon. 

Dealing With Aggressive Behaviour In Children

Teach Them To Empathize
Speak to your child about his or her behaviour and try and develop a sense of empathy in them. Let them know how much their behaviour can hurt others. Make use of T.V, books, games and many such items to instil emotions and develop values such as respect, care and empathy for others. Practice the values with your kid, for them to learn and adapt early.

Illustrate Normal Behaviour
Children look up to their parents as role models. Therefore, it is in the hands of the parents to influence the thinking and behaviour of their kid in the right direction. Parents need to set a good example and keep the environment of the house quiet and friendly. At times of any argument, parents should calmly listen to each other and then come to a satisfactory solution without any argument or fight. This will teach the child that there are calmer ways to get things done, and not just violence.

Teach Them What Is Right And Wrong
It is very important on part of the parents to teach their child the basic difference between right and wrong. Children should have an understanding of the behaviour that is good and acceptable, and one which is bad and not acceptable. Praise your child when he or she exhibits any good behaviour and stop them when they behave in an inappropriate manner. 

Give Alternatives To Angry Outbursts
One of the reasons for a child to behave aggressively is lack of communication skills. Therefore, parents should provide them with alternative ways to express their feelings. Parents should also work on their communication skills and provide them with the ability to express themselves at ease. 

Use Time Outs
Times out are very effective ways of dealing with extremely aggressive children. It is a practice where the child will be asked to go to the part of the house where he or she does not have anything to do. This is to help the child cool down and also to detach himself or herself from the situation that led to the aggressive behaviour.

Praise A Little
Parents dealing with an aggressive child should not forget that it is not the child, but the behaviour which is bad and improper. Therefore, there is no point in always being angry and criticizing the child. Instead, make sure that you recognize and praise your child whenever there is any display of polite, quiet, helpful and cooperative behaviour. Children will notice and learn from this small action of recognition by the adults, and will consciously try not to behave aggressively in order to be admired.

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