“I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic” Blanche Du Bois wasn’t speaking of her own illusions here, but the illusions of an entire generation. She was talking about that tired, beaten down by war generation who just needed a reason to break free and the 1950s was when it all began. It was that sappy romantic post war period, when the world seemed like a bright bundle of joy; more like a treasure chest across a rainbow. It was that time in the history of the world when hope had invaded the minds of the people and they were prepared for new beginnings. Change was slowly showing its pretty face in every aspect of life. Clothing was one of the first things to experience gradual metamorphosis. With idols like Brando, JFK, and Miss Monroe, the 1950s clothing is definitely something to take a dig out of. If you are planning a retro style party or are invited to one of those whacky theme parties then here are some 1950s clothing styles that will definitely make heads turn.

Image: pennyspitter@flickr