Do you know there are around 3800 lizard species found in the world? Read the article to know interesting facts and amazing information on the cold-blooded lizards.

Facts About Lizard

Lizard is the collective name for a very large group of squamate reptiles, covering nearly 3800 species. The range of lizards extends to all the continents as well as most of the oceanic and island chains. Antarctica is the only region of the world where they are not found. Lizards have a scaly skin and some of the species are known to shed their tails when they court danger. The tail has special muscles which contract and prevent loss of blood while breaking. However, not all the species are capable of shedding their tails. Lizards are cold blooded reptiles, or ectothermic, which implies that they depend on the environment to regulate their body heat and temperature. Some lizards do not have legs are confused with snakes. But there are certain features, such as the eye-lids and ear openings which snakes do not have, tell the difference. Read the article to know some interesting facts and amazing information about lizards.
Fast Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Superclass: Tetrapoda
Order: Squamata
Family: Lacertidae
Length: 1-250cm
Weight: 0.01-300kg
Lifespan: 1-30 year s
Diet: Insects
Habitat: Deserts, temperate forests, rainforests, prairies
Age of Sexual Maturity: Varies according to species
Gestation Period: 3 months
Number of Offspring: Varies according to species
Interesting & Amazing Information On Lizards
  • There almost 3800 species of lizards across the world.
  • The lizards staying in wild tend to be more active during the night, as they spend the day warming themselves up in the hot sun. They recharge their batteries during the day and hunt their prey at night.
  • Good sight is crucial for most of the lizard species, which helps them to locate their prey. Many species of lizards are known to have highly acute color vision, due to their extremely good eyesight.
  • In communicating with each other, most of the lizards use their body language. They use specific postures, gestures, and movements to define their territory as well as to resolve their disputes and attract mating partners.
  • Most of the lizard species do not harm humans, except Komodo dragon, which is the largest lizard species in the world. Komodo dragons have been observed to stalk attack and kill humans that come in their way.
  • Some of the lizard species have a poisonous bite, though the level of toxins present is not enough to harm humans. However, the bitten area will have pain, which is caused by the strong jaws of the lizards rather than the venom released by the bite.
  • Most of the species of lizards are good climbers, which help them to quickly escape any danger. Those who are not good climbers are good at sprinting. Some lizard species have a great ability to climb on a solid surface.
  • Some lizard species, such as Green Iguana, have a third eye on the top of their head. While this eye has a retina type structure and contains a lens, it does not form picture and help the vision in any way. Rather, it connects to the pineal gland in the brain and governs hormone production.
  • Most of the species of lizards have four legs. However, there are some lizards which only have two legs. Interestingly, some lizards are legless as well and crawl through their body.
  • The growth of lizards never stops. As they grow, they shed little pieces of their outgrown skin.
  • Lizards smell by tasting the air around them. This is the reason they constantly and rapidly take out their tongues.
  • Some species of lizards have the ability of squirting blood from their eyes. But they do this only when they sense danger from a predator. Some other lizards do that through their horns, which can jet out blood for a distance up to 4 feet.
  • Evidences have shown that lizards have been on Earth for more than 200 million years.
  • The tongues of lizards differ in form and structure. Some lizards have forked tongues, where as some others like chameleons have club-shaped tongues.
  • Lizards mostly eat insects, which include grasshoppers, ants, crickets, beetles and spiders. They also consume termites. The Eastern Collared lizard even eats other lizards.

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