Carbon Footprint is the measure of the green house gases emitted by each person through their daily undertakings. Explore the article given below to learn more on carbon footprints.

What Is A Carbon Footprint?

Carbon footprint entered the parlance when the effects of global warming were felt worldwide. Global warming is directly related to the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted and the measure of this emission is known as carbon footprint. Many people believe that only industries pollute the air. What they don’t realize is that our daily activities have a direct bearing on the carbon dioxide emissions. Even if you have a drink of coffee, it has got a carbon footprint. No doubt, those industries are the worst polluters, but even we, due to our senseless lifestyle contribute a significance amount of greenhouse gases in the environment. Like our overdependence on private transportation, mindless wastage and reluctance to use recycled products. If the same situation continues then reducing, the carbon footprint may become a legal issue, when now it is already a moral and ethical one. Reducing the carbon footprint should follow the age-old wisdom that each person should do their bit. If everyone reduces their carbon footprints then it will go a long way towards a sustainable future where climate change is not a threat but a simple term in a textbook. To know more read the article below on what is a carbon footprint.
Information On Carbon Footprint
The carbon footprint consist of two parts
Primary Footprint 
This is the measure of the direct emission of carbon dioxide to the environment as a result of burning fossil fuel. The emission of carbon dioxide due to the burning of fossil fuel includes the domestic energy consumption and transportation.
A typical person’s carbon footprint in the developed world:
  • Home (gas, oil, coal) – 15%
  • Electricity – 12%
  • Transportation (private) – 10%
  • Transportation (public) – 3%
  • Flights – 6% 
Secondary Footprint 
This is the measure of indirect carbon dioxide emissions. It encompasses all the lifecycle of products that are used daily, right from its manufacture to its breakdown. That is why the more people buy, the more emissions will result.
A typical person’s carbon footprint in the developed world: 
  • Public services – 12%
  • Financial services – 3%
  • Buildings – 9%
  • Vehicles (manufacture and delivery) – 7%
  • Daily wear and personal effects – 4%
  • Food – 5%
How To Reduce Carbon Footprint?
At Home
  • Use energy efficient electrical appliances. As far as possible try to use natural light. When not in use, turn all the electrical appliances off.
  • Do not waste water. Save every drop and recycle the water instead of throwing away.
  • Use CFL bulbs to light your house as they use less electricity and provide more light.
  • Restrict your use of washing machine, electric dryer etc. wash your clothes manually and air dry. When using the dishwasher or washing machine make sure that it is fully loaded.
  • Instead of air conditioners, use the electric fan. In cold climate, you should insulate the water tank, loft, and walls.
  • Reuse as many things as you can. 
  • Use public transport. Take the bus more often instead of your car. Or use a bicycle as it is excellent for short distances.
  • Carpool to work or school.
  • Buy vehicles that conform to the emission norms. Go for smaller hybrid cars.
  • Walk more. It is good for the environment and best for your health.
  • Do not use flights for short trips. Use the bus or train instead. 
  • Have more fruits and vegetables.
  • Instead of buying a bottle of mineral water, drink tap water, however, make sure that it is safe.
  • Use locally grown fruits and vegetables. It is always better if you can grow your own vegetable garden.
  • Always buy organic produce and cut down your use of packaged products.
  • Even drinking coffee leaves a carbon footprint so be careful in what you eat.

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