Meaning of the colors in mood rings is something that has often had people wondering. Through this article, we intend to tell you what do colors of mood rings mean.

What Do Colors Of Mood Rings Mean

Mood rings, as their very name suggests, are rings that signify the mood of the wearer. Now, the question that comes is how these rings tell the mood of an individual. Actually, the ring changes in color with the change in the mood of the person wearing it. Mood rings are filled with liquid crystals that are extremely sensitive to heat. As the mood of a person changes, his body temperature also experience a variation. With a rise or drop in the body temperature, the crystals twist their position, which is reflected to our eyesas a different color. 
Moods rings stormed the market in the 1970s and during that time, almost everyone could be found either wearing it or gifting it to someone close. In case you are thinking how you will know which colors signifies what kind of mood, there is no need to worry. The mood rings come with a color code that tells you what a particular color will signify. Apart from that, you can also notice the colors of a person’s mood rings, at different dispositions. Observation is the main key where mood rings are concerned.
Meaning of Colors in Mood Rings
Un the following lines, we have given a general idea of what do the colors of mood rings mean. Though they are explanative, they are not definite. Along with following the color key, you need to be observant also! 
  • Black - Stressed, Nervous
  • Red - Passionate, Angry, Energized, Adventurous
  • Yellow - Mental Strain
  • Green - Healing, Love, Calm
  • Blue - Relaxed, Happy
  • White - Frustrated, Bored
  • Pink - Fear
  • Purple - Sensuality
  • Orange - State of Wanting
  • Gray - Very Nervous
  • Amber - Anxious, Uncertain
  • Teal - Calm, Relaxed
  • Indigo or Violet - Happy, Romantic, Passionate
  • Brown - Restless
How Mood Rings Work
Mood rings come studded with either a hollow glass shell, which is filled with thermotropic liquid crystals, or a clear glass stone. The glass stone in the mood rings sits on the top of a slender sheet made of liquid crystals. These liquid crystals, whether in a glass shell or a glass stone, are very sensitive and tend to change position, or twist, following the changes in body temperature. The change in the molecular structure of liquid crystals affects the wavelengths (of light) absorbed or reflected by the liquid crystals. This leads to a perceptible change in the color of the stone.
For instance, the liquid crystal molecules twirl slightly on one direction with an increase in temperature. Due to the twist, the liquid crystal substance absorbs more of the red and green portions of visible light, and reflects the blue part. As such, the stone appears to be dark blue in color. With the decrease in temperature, the molecules reflect a different color, by twisting in the other direction. The inside of the ring conducts heat from your finger into the liquid crystals of the stone. The color of the stone gets adjusted according to the surface temperature of the wearer. If the surface temperature deviates greatly from the established standard, the liquid crystals in the stone change their color.   

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