Without any maintenance, a swimming pool will look like a water-clogged ditch. Read the article given below to learn more on swimming pool maintenance.

Swimming Pool Maintenance

You have recently installed a swimming pool and think that the only task left for you is to go for a dip. However, this luxury will be short lived unless you have a proper cleaning apparatus in place. Because, later you will find algae and debris calling the shots in the pool. A swimming pool is a luxury and only a few can afford one. For those who are lucky, later realize that affordability is not the only barrier. The pool must be kept spic and span to enjoy its benefits. This requires regular cleaning; otherwise, the pool can turn into a veritable zoo for diseases. People who do not maintain their swimming pool face numerous problems like the proliferation of algae, cloudy water, and the accumulation of stains. Naturally, it becomes a health issue. You can know when your pool needs maintenance when after a swim your nose and eyes start burning. This is the least of all the problems that can affect you. Most people think that maintaining a swimming pool is difficult and labor intensive. This is very far from truth, as you only have to ensure that the pools chemical treatment program and the filtration system work together. Read the article given below to know how to maintain a swimming pool.
How To Maintain A Swimming Pool
The swimming pool must be checked at regular intervals.
  • Check the water testing kit and maintain the pH levels at 7.2 to 7.6.
  • Monitor the chlorine level and maintain it at 1.0 to 3.0 ppm.
  • Remove all the debris from the pool surface and clean the wall tile. 
  • Use a prescribed shock treatment to restore the sparkle and sheen of the pool. This also eliminates the germs and burns the organic matter.
  • After the shock treatment, add a dose of algaecide. 
Do a water analysis to test the alkalinity, calcium hardness, and stabilizer.
Clean the filter to remove the accumulated oils and grease.
Pool Cleaning Procedures
Deck And Cover Cleaning
  • Remove as much debris as possible from the pool and the deck and cover.
  • Hose the area near the pool.
  • If the cover is of the floating type, fold and keep in a clean surface. 
Surface Skimming
  • To remove the floating debris from the surface of the water use a leaf rake and a telepole.
  • As you skim the water surface, scrape the tile line to remove small bits of leaves and dirt.
  • To clear the water of scum, squirt a shot of tile soap over the length of the pool. The soap will concentrate the scum towards the edge of the pool, which can then be skimmed off. 
  • Scrub the tiles with a pumice stone to remove the hard stains.
  • To clean the tiles, use tile brush and tile soap.
  • Another way to remove stains from tiles is to mix one part of muriatic acid to five parts of soap and use it to scrub the stain.
  • Scrub below the water line and above.
  • Take care not to use abrasive brush or scouring pads as these can leave scratches on the tile surface. 
Equipment Check
  • Empty the contents of the skimmer basket and wash it clean.
  • Now, clean the strainer basket.
  • After cleaning the skimmer and strainer basket, check the pressure of the filter. If the filter shows a high pressure then clean the filter.
  • Clear the heater of leaves and debris. To check the safety of the heater, turn it on and then switch off the pump. If your heater is working properly then when the pressure from the pump drops the heater should shut off by itself. 
  • Brushing the pool surface effectively removes the algae.
  • The walls and bottom of the pool must be brushed properly. 
Daily Pool Operation
  • The filter of the pool should run for 9 to 10 hours per day. Set the timer of the pool or run the pool filter manually.
  • The skimmer basket should be empty and clear of debris.
  • Add chlorine to the pool using a chlorine filter or an automatic chlorinator.
  • Always ensure that the water in the pool always have a good chlorine level.

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