Septic shock is a serious medical condition that can result in systemic inflammatory responses. Read on to know the signs and symptoms of septic shock or sepsis.

Septic Shock Symptoms

Septic shock or sepsis is a serious medical condition in which an affected individual suffers from systemic inflammatory response syndrome or SIRS. It is a state of low blood pressure. This condition is the result of a suspected or known infection. The infection induces the body to respond via the release of substances that result in inflammation. This is only because when a person is ‘down’ with census, toxins produced by harmful bacterial infections trigger cells to release substances that in one way or the other cause inflammation. Sepsis is more commonly known as ‘blood poisoning’. However, the term ‘blood poisoning’ is more apt when linked to another serious medical condition known as septicemia. As a victim of sepsis or as a person around the victim of sepsis, it is extremely important for you to know or identify the signs and symptoms of a septic shock, which is a ‘deteriorating’ condition that requires quick and efficient medical attention. Read on to know more on the symptoms of a septic shock or sepsis. 

Septic Shock Signs And Symptoms
The following are the most common symptoms associated with septic shock or sepsis.

  • A rapid increase in the rate of breathing.
  • Tiny red spots all over the body/skin rash.
  • Dizziness.
  • Disorientation.
  • Little or absolutely no urination.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Fever, often accompanied by shivers and chills.
  • An increase in the heart rate.
  • Palpitation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Low or lowered blood pressure.
  • Severe pain in the joints.
  • Cool or pale extremities in the body.
  • The skin of the patient may turn blue, a deviation from the normal that is the result of lack of oxygen.
  • Breathing difficulty, where the patient finds it extremely difficult to do something as simple as breathe.
  • A severe symptom includes a steep decrease in the temperature of the patient. Here, the temperature of the patient falls way below the ‘normal temperature’. 
  • Before dishing out treatment to a supposed patient, septic shock is first diagnosed with a series of blood tests to help determine the presence of infectious agents, the count of white blood cells and the level of oxygen.
  • Apart from blood tests, the patient’s sputum, spinal fluid, and urine are tested to determine the occurrence of septic shock. CT Scans and chest X-rays too help identify the affected organs.
  • Based on the results of all the above tests, the patient will receive treatment to help him/her or cope with septic shock.
  • Treatment can vary from oxygen administration or mechanical ventilation with the assistance of a breathing machine.
  • The patient will be given varying dosages of antibiotics and an intravenous administration of fluids and a series of other medications.
  • At times, patient is also treated with the administration of drotrecogin alfa. Drotrecogin alfa is nothing but activated protein C. Activated protein C is usually used to counter the effects of both inflammation and blood clotting. The drug is only administered in case of a severe septic shock.

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