If you are looking for a soft glowing skin, then the answer to it lies in your kitchen. However, if you don't believe us and are willing to make a hole in your pocket, you can very well go to a spa. For others, a very common and necessary kitchen ingredient can be the best solution towards getting a supple skin. To get healthy and glowing skin, you need to keep the skin dirt and dead cells free. This is where exfoliation comes in. Exfoliating the skin keeps it dirt free and clear. Therefore, using a salt scrub for this purpose is very effective as salt, being a gentle abrasive acts as a very good exfoliating agent. There are many ways in which you can make salt scrubs and you can add many ingredients like essential oils and natural extracts to get the feel of a spa. When you use a salt scrub on your skin, it helps in removing all the dead cells, revealing the softer skin beneath and giving it a rosy glow. To help you make your own salt scrub, read below for a few recipes.

Image: scottfeldstein@flickr