Peer pressure is an inseparable part of a student’s life. However, to keep away from negative peer pressure, go through this article and find activities for resisting peer pressure.

Peer Pressure Activities

The very mention of the term “peer pressure” compels parents to envision their teens being forced into situations that are not considered normal in the outside world. Nonetheless, peer pressure does not necessarily include negative energies that induce a person to indulge in dangerous activities, like experimenting with drugs, tobacco or alcohol or encourage him to engage in sexual activities to “become a man”. This does not entirely apply on boys, as girls, too, are not left behind, as they are pressurized to do the same to feel like ‘grown-up women’. Setting all the negative peer pressures aside, peer pressure can also be positive. If you are lucky enough to fall into the company of good friends, you’ll only be benefited from the development of a positive attitude, teamwork, and healthy values. As such, dealing with peer pressures turns out to be slightly challenging, but can be certainly eased through the following activities. Check them out!
Resisting Peer Pressure
Bond With Your Child
Creating a firm and strong bond with your child can help him/her resist peer pressure in a better way. Not only will your child respect your views and values, he/she will have the feeling of you being a constant back-end support. However, this bond should be developed long before your child enters teenage life.
Boost Self-Esteem
Confident children possessing positive self-worth are likely to make good friends. You often see such children to be in the company of good role models. To induce stronger self-esteem, find opportunities to engage your child in activities that will enhance his/her strengths and interests. Do not forget to praise him/her for all those little good things done at home.
Be A Good Example
Your child will grow up to become one of your reflections that you have sown in the initial stages. Thus, whatever you do and speak will be directly revealed through your child. You may never realize, but kids are keen observers and grasp things faster and easily. As such, if he/she notices you playing the fool with your friends or colleagues, he/she is likely to repeat the same with his/her friends. It becomes important on your part to set a good example of yourself to your kids.
Speak Out
As your child enters his/her teenage years, it becomes your duty to speak clearly and openly about various peer pressures graduating towards him/her. Also, state your feelings about how difficult it becomes for him/her to do things that will make him/her stand apart in the crowd. Tell your budding youngster that his/her peers might appreciate his/her decision of not joining a certain group, though they may not be thinking the same behind his/her back, or some may even force him/her to join the activity. Make it clear for your child about not making friends with people who are pressurizing him/her to do certain activities and also, not allowing anyone to manipulate or take decisions for him/her.
Inculcate Good Decision-Making Skills
If your child is mature enough to trust his/her own instincts, then he/she is less likely to be influenced by others or allow others to make decisions for him/her. Induce positive energies in your child through positive consequences of the decision that he/she is currently facing. Do not forget to mention that giving in to the current negative peer pressure can make life tougher and harder at later stages.

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