Add decor to your dining table by learning to fold napkins in a variety of ways. Read the article for step-by-step instructions.

Napkin Folding

A napkin is not simply for observance on table. It reflects your personality, imagination, and creativity. Whether it is a sturdy pyramid fold, a twin candle, or a delicate rose, each style echoes a certain type of sophistication that enhances the ambiance of a room and sets the pitch for an unforgettable dining experience. Napkins have been in use since ages in different forms and sizes. By the end of eighteenth century, napkins were reduced to a standard size and were made of cloth. The French imposed intricate codes of etiquettes on the nobility, among them was the way to use a napkin, when to use it, and how far to unfurl it in the lap. The acceptance of fork and the size of napkins brought neatness to dining experience. In the present era, napkin is made in a variety of sizes to meet the need of every recreation activity. It could be for multicourse meals, simple menus, cocktails, teas, lunches, and dinners. Whether the napkin is of cloth or paper, when in courteous company, a napkin is to be used with a measure of etiquette, so as not to cause offense to other diners through a display of incivility. Today, tasteful hosts and hostesses have a wide variety of napkin products to choose from. You have cloth napkins for formal dining and paper napkins for informal settings. Read the article to learn the art of beautiful napkin folds that you have admired at star restaurants and memorable events.
How To Fold Napkins  
The Twin Candle Napkin Roll
  • This napkin roll is simple and pleasing to eye. This fold does not require ironing, starching, or pressing. 
  • Place the napkin face down in front of you.
  • Fold the napkin in half obliquely.
  • Roll the napkin from the extended side as snugly as you can.
  • Fold up the roll partially.
  • Slot it in your napkin ring and situate it up on the table.
  • Sit back and enjoy your candle roll.  
The Rosebud Napkin Fold 
  • This is a stylish cloth napkin design. You can use a stiff or light starched material. You can use these for cocktail napkins too.
  • Place the napkin facedown in front of you.
  • Fold over the napkin in half corner to corner.
  • Adjust the napkin so the open end points away from you.
  • Fold up the far-right corner crossways in such a way that the point rests on top of the extreme corner. The edge of the flap should rest on the centerline.
  • Repeat the same step for other side also, bringing the  left corner to meet the far corner, to create a diamond shape.
  • Flick the napkin upside down so that the open end points away from you.
  • Fold the base of the napkin up of about three-fourth of the way and press it.
  • Flick the napkin over.
  • Wind both sides up so they meet in the middle and inserts one into the other.
  • Stand it up and straighten it out. Your rose bud napkin fold is ready to be admired at.  
The Fleur de Lys Goblet Fold 
  • This is a French style fold and is easy and a very rapid fold.
  • Arrange the napkin facedown in front of you.
  • Fold the napkin crossways in half.
  • Adjust the napkin so the open end points toward you.
  • Fold the bottom positioning up making the tip overlying the edge by about an inch.
  • Zigzag fold the complete napkin from left to right.
  • Tightly hold the base and slot in it into a napkin ring. Your Fleur de Lys fold is ready for display to your dinner guests.  
The Napkin Ring Fan Fold 
  • The fan folds are always an easy way of presenting your napkin. This fold uses a napkin ring to hold the base.
  • Place the napkin face down in front of you.
  • Fold up the napkin diagonally and then open it again, making a line in the center.
  • Fold the napkin in a zigzag manner up to the crease, making sure that the final fold rests nicely on the crease. This will help you keep the ends of the fan uniform.
  • Finish accordion-folding the napkin.
  • Fold the fan in half.
  • Insert the folded end into a napkin ring. Your napkin ring fan is ready for exhibit.  
The Sail Napkin Fold 
  • This is one of the simplest napkin designs. You would require a stiff material to make it stand without flopping.
  • Place the napkin face-down in front of you.
  • Fold up the napkin in half and adjust the open end towards you.
  • Fold the far-right corner diagonally to the center of the side that is closest to you. The edge of this flap should run down the center of the napkin.
  • Repeat the previous step with the other side, folding the far-left corner diagonally to rest right alongside the earlier fold.
  • Fold the napkin in half by bringing the center seam up from the work surface and allowing the ends to fall backwards.
  • Smooth down the folds so it stands nicely. Your sail napkin fold is ready to sail across the dinner plates around the table. 
The Pyramid Napkin Fold 
  • This is a simple and classy napkin fold. To make a perfect napkin fold iron the material with light starch before folding it.  
  • Place the napkin face down in front of you.
  • Fold up the napkin in half transversely.
  • Turn around the napkin so the open end faces away from you.
  • Fold the right end up to meet the extreme corner, making sure that the rim of the new fold rests on the centerline.
  • Repeat the same step with the left side also by folding the left side up to the extreme corner. It will create a diamond shape with seams in the middle.
  • Rotate the napkin over, keeping the open end facing away from you.
  • Now, fold the napkin in half by taking the extreme point of the diamond up and back to the near point.
  • Rotate the napkin over again, this time keeping the open end facing towards you.
  • Fold the napkin along the center seam and you have a neat, well-built pyramid ready for your dinner table.
The Diamond Napkin Pouch Fold
  • This is a simple design and looks elegant when pressed down almost flat.
  • Place the napkin face-down in front of you.
  • Fold the napkin in half and adjust the open end toward you.
  • Fold the napkin into four parts.
  • Adjust the napkin so the open end faces away from you.
  • Fold up the top-most layer almost all the way forward and press it down flat.
  • Fold over the next top-most layer of napkin forward almost as far as the previous one and press it down as well. Make sure the edges are smooth with the earlier fold.
  • Fold the next layer back as you did the two before it.
  • Rotate the napkin over.
  • Fold both sides back and over one another (about 1/3 of the way), check for evenness and press the fold down well.
  • Flick it over and your diamond napkin pouch is ready for silverware on dinner table.  

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