A metaphor can be a figure of speech used as a comparison between two seemingly unrelated objects, people or situations.
How many times have you compared your friends head to a melon just to poke fun at him? Every time you compare a person, place, object or a situation to something that seems to be unrelated to it, you are using a metaphor. A metaphor is used when you feel the need to express how strongly you feel about something. It can also be used when you wish to stress on conceptualizing something you felt, saw or experienced. What is interesting about metaphors is that there is no definite list of descriptions that can be used when you need to compare two things. Metaphors can also be made out of experiences you have shared with the people you talk to. Just like alliteration, metaphors are also a common part of our daily conversations and can be used even without realizing it. Metaphors have been used not only by us in daily conversations or by poets in their poems but also by various companies in an attempt to make their products sound more attractive. A good place to look for metaphors would be in the lyrics of songs and in poems. However, there are times when you need to be careful when using metaphors. More often than not when you mix two or more metaphors the end result does not make sense. To give you a better picture some examples of metaphors have been listed below.
Examples Of Metaphors
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