Are you wondering how to sit, stand and walk right? Read on to get tips on how to improve your posture naturally.

Improving Posture

“Stand straight or you’re going to age before time!” is an advice that we all get from adults. But then we just cringe up our noses and reluctantly stiffen our backs, only to go back to the comfort of slouching once the elders get out of sight. However, the importance of straight posture hits us, rather hard, when we reach mid-thirties and fall prey to the demons of backache. And even that is not too late. But if ignored further, bad posture can lead to irreparable damage to the spine and get us to extreme conditions like cervical pains. If you do not want to fall prey to that, the best would be to get rid of bad posture early. But then again, the problem is that often people fail to observe correct postures, because they do not realise what correct posture actually is. Most of the times people are of the opinion that standing upright or straight means having a tensed and rigid back, with the chest heaved out and up, while the face juts out of the chest level. Two words for that school of thought - darn wrong! Read on to get it right!
Tips For Improving Posture
Know What’s Right
  • The spine is S-shaped so anyone who tells you to keep it straight to have a good posture has lost the plot in life. Keep in mind the following postures for good posture:
  • Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed on both your feet.
  • Proper alignment means having your ears loosely aligned with your shoulders and having those shoulders loosely aligned with your hips.
  • This is an erect posture, but it also has to follow the natural S-curve of your spine. So, a posture that follows the above rules, while not hurting or straining any part of your body, is a straight posture.
To Get The Right Posture
Stand Straight
  • Stand up and look into a mirror to check your posture. Make sure that your shoulders don’t slouch, head isn’t bent and that your ears, shoulders, hips and ankles are perfectly aligned.
  • Now look at yourself sideways and observe the S that forms. That’s what a posture is.
  • Make sure that the S is not rigid and doesn’t cause stress in any part of the body.
Sit Straight
  • Preferable sit on a high-back chair.
  • Make sure that your knees are at hip-level or a little lower.
  • Push your hips as far back against the base of the chair as comfortably possible.
  • Keep your shoulders squared and parallel to your hips.
  • If your back doesn’t get proper support, then place a thick towel or pillow to suit your requirement.
  • Try to make sure that your work station is at elbow level always.
  • Tilt your computer screen upwards to avoid leaning onto it while working.
  • Push your hips to the base of the driving seat
  • Adjust your seat so that you are able to hold the steering with your elbows only slightly bent.
Sleep Well
  • Always sleep on a firm mattress
  • Never sleep on your stomach and even if you do, then place a soft pillow under your waist.
  • Use a pillow that is just thick enough to align your head to the rest of the body.
Exercises For Correct Posture
  • Do some regular stretching exercises 3-4 times a day to pull out any strains that your body might have got.
  • Yoga for back is a very good way of improving posture, when done regularly.
  • Ballerinas have the strongest backs. You can go the ballet way to strengthen your back.

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