Lying makes for an excellent art, but even expert liars at times give themselves away. Swing through the confines of this write up to discover a few ways of spotting a liar.

How To Spot A Liar

Almost everyone, at some point of time or the other of their lives, has been guilty of lying. It, in fact, is almost impossible for a child to turn into an adult without having gone through the vicious processes of lying. Why do people lie? Well, that’s mostly because people don’t see a point in revealing the truth or believe it’s unsafe to reveal the truth. Maybe the truth can show them in bad light. Maybe the truth can reveal more about them than they would want the world to know. However, here it’s not really important to focus on why people lie. What matters most is to figure out how to get the better of the lies that just happen to spew out of almost everyone’s mouth. However, differentiating a liar from a person speaking the truth may not be too easy. This is mostly because liars are pretty good at their ball game, but even experts can give themselves away. Here, it is all about reading between the lines and finding out for yourself if you have a liar or an ‘honest Jo’ on your hands.

Spotting A Liar

Restricted Movements
One of the best ways to spot a liar is by observing his or her body language. All physical movements in more occasions than one will usually be restricted or limited to less space. For example, when a person is speaking the truth, he/she may use his/he hands in a very normal manner. However, when a person is lying, hand movements or movements of any other part of the body will be restricted and it wouldn’t take much to figure out how conscious the liar is about his/her body movements.

The Face Touch
The next time you come across a child who you know is lying for sure, try taking a look at the way the child touches his/her face or how many times he/she touches his face. With this you will notice that touching the face when lying is as good as an instinctive action. This instinctive child like action does not go away even when the liar becomes an adult. So, if a person looks like he/she is spinning a yarn and he/she keeps covering the mouth, touching the nose or the lips, you can be pretty sure you have a liar on your hands.

Eye The Pupils
When someone is giving you a white lie, his/her pupils are almost guaranteed to look dilated. This mostly happens because of the pumping of adrenalin in the body. However, it is important to mention here that the intensity of the pumping adrenalin will purely depend on the nature of the lie. As far as the gaze goes, a person who is lying will hardly look you in the eye, but look almost everywhere else. This can be one of the biggest giveaways of a white lie.

Just like how a liar consciously or unconsciously restricts his or her bodily movements when lying, so will he/she restrict his/her expressions. At first glance this may not be easy to tell, but when you look closer and more carefully at the way ‘your’ liar is expressing him or herself, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to tell if it is a lie that you are getting. For example, when a person lies and if he/she is also smiling when lying, you will notice that smile is a restricted one. Chances of it not being a real one are really are as high as the skies.

Object Obsession
If a person is lying and there are objects around, you can be rest assured that the liar will play with them or at least look like he/she has an unexplained affection for the object in question. The ‘object’ here can range from a coffee mug or a spoon, to a simple piece of paper. The obsession with objects really is just the liar’s way of relieving him or herself from the tension that is a part of the lying.

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