We have provided a number of tips, as the answer to ‘how to reduce dust in your house’. The ways mentioned here will help you in minimizing house dust and also facilitate its removal.

How To Reduce Dust In Your House

No matter how much time you spend on cleaning you house, the dust comes back the very next day and all your efforts seem to have gone down the drain. Apart from the outdoor sources, there are many indoor sources of house dust as well, like skin particles, human hair, cloth fibers, dog hair, insect parts, and so on. Whatever be the source of the dust, you need to take steps to reduce it as much as much as possible. Minimizing house dust is not too big a problem, especially if you know just the right ways. With the intention of helping you out, we have provided a number of tips for removal of house dust, in the following lines.
How to Reduce Dust in Your House
  • If you have an air conditioning unit in your house, the first step should be to get its ducts cleaned. At the same time, make sure to get the air filter replaced on a regular basis.
  • Go on a cleaning drive in your home. Remember that in order to maintain the cleanliness of the house, it is required to make it clean enough first. Clean every nook and corner and don’t leave a single item dirty.
  • Invest in a good vacuum clean and indulge in vacuuming on a daily basis. It can help remove majority of the dust from your house.
  • Equip each and every entrance in your house with a mat, where the family members as well as guests can wipe their feet before coming inside.
  • Pets are one of the most probable sources of dust in a house. If you own one, bathe and brush him frequently. Always clean his paws when he comes back from a walk outside.
  • Check for cracks and crevices in your home and repair them properly, if you come across any.
  • If you have attic stairs in your home, make sure that the door shuts properly, when closed.
  • Reduce the amount of carpets in your home. This is because carpets stay very dusty, even if you vacuum them on a daily basis.
  • Install an air purifier in your home. It not only eliminates the dust in air, but also improves the quality of air.
  • Wash sheets and pillowcases on a weekly basis. In case of blankets and other linen that cannot be washed in machine, take them outside the house and shake away the dust.
  • Instead of feather dusters and dry rags, use damp rags or disposable cloths. The former spread dust, while the latter attract and gather it.
  • Try to use leather or vinyl-covered furniture. In other cases, vacuum the furniture regularly. At the same time, take cushions outside and beat the dust out of them.

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