Learning to meditate is an activity which requires consistent effort and will. To learn how to mediate, read the article given below.

How To Meditate

Meditation is essentially a technique to try and focus the mind on a single point of reference. The practice involves attaining a higher level of consciousness.  The word ‘meditation’ basically comes from the Latin word ‘meditatio’, which indicates towards every type of physical or intellectual exercise. Later, the term evolved, having a more specific meaning i.e. "contemplation". The main aim behind meditation is to quiet the mind and relax. The technique can be practiced by anybody, as per his own will and comfort. Moreover, it does not require any specific time or place to perform. What it requires is effort and consistency. Thus, learning meditation is not at all difficult, if you are ready to follow the rules. To learn how to meditate, read on.
Learning to Meditate 
  • Before starting meditation, take out enough time for the activity. Do not hurry things and make sure you have ample time to devote to meditation.
  • For meditation, another prerequisite is a quiet and relaxing environment, which enables you to focus your attention.
  • For meditating, it is always recommended to sit on a flat ground. However, if it is uncomfortable, you can use a pillow or cushion.
  • Those, who find sitting on the ground uncomfortable, can even practice it sitting on chair or even lying down flat. The key here is to keep your back straight, as it enables you to breathe properly.
  • After you have attained a comfortable position for mediation, keep your eyes half-open, without focusing on anything. If it is difficult for you to do so, either close them completely or concentrate on some object, like the flame of the candle.
  • The next and most important thing to do is to breathe deeply and slowly, from your abdomen rather than chest. The abdomen should rise and fall, while the chest should stay relatively still.
  • Relax your body, including all the muscles. Do it slowly and gradually, starting from the toes and moving upwards, till the time all the stress wears away.
  • Concentration and focus are other keywords, which should be kept in mind consistently. Your mind and thoughts might want to wander, but the aim is to make your mind still and devoid of all activity.
  • To focus, you can pay attention to the flow of your breath. Experience every rise and fall, without applying any brains.
  • To divert your mind from flickering thoughts, you can even recite a ‘mantra’ or chant a spiritual hymn.
  • Some meditation gurus even recommend the technique of un-focusing the attention. This states that the attention of the mind should be taken above all thoughts to a point where the mind loses all attention and thoughts. It is called attaining a state of zero.
  • Once your mind has been trained to focus on one thing, the next step is to focus on nothing at all. This will require practice and time, but in the end it will provide immense silence, prevailing peace in your mind.

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