Making a heated dog house would prove beneficial to shelter your pet from the harsh winters. Go through the article, to know more on how to make a heated dog house.

How To Make A Heated Dog House

Making a heated dog house is a very good way to secure your lovely pet from the severity of the winter chills. Often, it is seen that while the master is safe and protected in the insides of a well-insulated house, the dog lives in almost a neglected state. In such circumstances, the best bet would be to let your dog live indoors with you. However, if that is not possible, the second option, which you must adhere to, is to construct a nice heated, comfortable dog house. There is nothing better than a heated foam pad, insulated walls and wind-proof double-hinged secure door for your dog’s house. In the following lines, we have provided tips on making a heated dog house.
How To Make A Heated Dog House
  • The first consideration, when it comes to making a heated dog house, would be the flooring. Make sure that the floor of your dog house is several inches above the ground. This gives scope for proper air circulation. Building a dog house over a foundation of concrete blocks would be an ideal thought.
  • The roof of the house should be slanting. It would help restrict the accumulation of snow, on the house, during winters.
  • In winters, the dog house should be positioned at such a place where it would receive utmost sunlight. Make sure that the winter winds blow against the opening of the dog house.
  • Hang a heavy carpet from the top of the doorway. This will help keep out the drafts.
  • Ensure that the dog house is of just the perfect size. It should be large enough to provide space for another dog, along with your own. At the same time, it has to be small enough to ensure that the dog’s own body heat keeps the house warm.
  • Place a high-grade insulation in the hollow of the wall and the roof. It would solve dual purpose - keeping the house warm in winters and letting it remain cool in summers.
  • Right bedding is one of the easiest ways to keep a dog house warm. Use an electrically-heated pad in your dog house. An alternative would be to get small pads, which can be heated in a microwave and then placed inside your dog’s bedding.
  • Avoid using hay in the dog house. It can easily absorb moisture and turn moldy.
  • Make sure that you do not move your dog between a heated house and cold outdoors frequently. This can result in fatal respiratory illness.

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