A healthy, soft, and clear skin is a sign of beauty and sound health. A lot of people suffer from skin discoloration problems that could range from mild to serious. Have you ever thought why your skin develops brown age spots, freckles, moles, or brown stains? In a nutshell it is because of overexposure to the sun, and the harmful ultraviolet rays. To protect your skin from harmful UV radiation, melanocytes present in the skin produce a pigment called melanin that absorbs UV rays. When the body produces melanin in excess, it leads to formation of age spots, freckles, and darkening of the skin. Skin discolorations can happen anywhere on the body, but the face and hands are the most affected part. With the advancement in skin care technology, it has become easier to get rid of skin discoloration. For many of the skin discoloration problems there are over-the-counter prescription drugs available to fix it. Applying simple skin lightener creams can also rid you of skin discoloration problems to a certain extent. If you suffer from skin discoloration, and want to get rid of it listed below are few tips to help you.

Image: Chris Hunkeler@flickr
Tips To Get Rid Of Skin Discoloration
- Skin discoloration is a result of the overproduction of a pigment known as melanin. The more the melanin, the darker the skin is. Protect your skin against too much of exposure to the sun, and the harmful ultraviolet rays. Apply sunscreen lotions and creams before venturing out in hot weather.
- Birthmarks come in various shapes and sizes, which appear at birth. Some birthmarks fade away during childhood. If they persist, you can opt for laser technology to destroy or reduce the globule.
- Moles are skin discolorations that are flat or raised. These blemishes appear as brown or black. They can also grow in size with age. A laser treatment can help you get rid of a mole completely. However, make sure that you take medical advice before you opt for a laser treatment.
- Age spots generally appear on your hands, face and chest as you grow old. Age spots can be mistaken for freckles. These spots have irregular shapes, and are generally larger in size than freckles. To get rid of age spots, you can use chemical peels, and lightening creams. A laser treatment can also be very useful in removing age spots.
- Pregnancy can cause brown stains, known as melasma, on your face and chest. You can apply topical creams on the area regularly. Or you can use glycolic acid peels, and sunscreen lotions. Avoid too much of sun exposure during pregnancy as the stains become more visible during that time.
- Vitiligo is a complete loss of skin pigment. This kind of skin discoloration includes autoimmune or autotoxic reaction where the nerve cells obstruct the production of skin pigment. For a lesser damage of skin pigmentation you can opt for an ultraviolet therapy to reduce the white patches, and in serious conditions of vitiligo, an oral medication is administered to obtain a uniform and a lighter look.
- Dilated veins or thread veins appear like red traces on legs or cheeks. They are more common in women than men. The possible causes are long periods of standing or sitting, skin type, injury, heredity, and hormones. Laser therapy is effective in treating this condition. You can also opt for sclerotherapy where a chemical like saline solution is injected into your vein.
- You can consider using whitening skin cream on a regular basis to lighten your skin discoloration.
- Vitamin E is widely known for its antioxidant properties, and is used to reduce the appearance of brown spots.
- Smoking can be one of the reasons that can trigger the appearance of dark spots on the skin. You should try to stop smoking for a glowing skin and good health.