Fat calves can make your legs look bad. Do you want to get rid of your fat calves? Read on to know how to get rid of fat calves.

How To Get Rid Of Fat Calves

Fat calves are a bane to your overall look and can prevent you from wearing the clothes that you’ve always wanted to wear. Wearing a pair of shorts, or a skirt if you’re a girl, is something that you may not be willing to do, and that’s only because of your fat calves. Your body functions in a certain way, and it does not distribute fat equally, in fact, it deposits fat in different parts of the body. The thighs, back, triceps, butt, and calves are all victims to this distribution of fat. Fat calves do not look proportionate and are not too desirable; they are made up of mostly fat, rather than muscle. However, there are a million ways to deal with the issue of fat calves, it all depends on how you look at it and no, these ways do not include ‘spot reduction’. Go ahead and familiarize yourself with ways to get rid of your fat calves.
Getting Rid Of Fat Calves 

No Pain, No Gain
Everyone would love to have calves that look toned and healthy, but are you willing to work your way to the same? The only way to get rid of the fat around your calves is by working towards burning fat all over your body. Indulging in a lot of cardiovascular activities can help you do away with the excess fat in your body. Exercises like cycling, swimming, rowing, running, skipping, etc. can help you reach your target. If you’re a member of a good gym, using the stepper and an elliptical trainer can help you lose the fat around your calves, effectively. 

Calf Raises
Calf raises are targeted at your calves; the name of the exercise makes it pretty obvious, doesn’t it? Stand at the edge of the stairs or on an elevated platform, and then proceed to raise yourself, a tiptoe action from up to down is the right way to go about this exercise. 

The Leg Press Machine
A ‘regular’ at most gyms, the leg press machine is a piece of equipment that helps you train your calves. Place your foot at the end of the machine, one look at the machine, and you’ll know where to place your legs, or simply ask your trainer for assistance. Get started, familiarize yourself with the exercise, and challenge yourself by increasing the weights. The machine and the exercise will you help you edge closer to better looking calves. 

Squats help train your lower body, and your calves just happen to be a part of your lower body. So, performing a lot of squats can lend a hand in helping you arrive at your destination. 

Watch Your Diet
You are what you eat, so, if a lot of fatty foods are a part of your diet, you are going to look fat and your claves are going to look fatter! Do something about it; there is no point in exercising a lot and eating everything under the sun. Avoid the obvious, foods that are processed, fried, sugary snacks, etc. are examples of foods that you should be running away from. Eat foods that are healthy and foods that have a lot of fiber in them. Basically, natural foods and foods that are less processed should be included in your diet. Drink a lot of water too.

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