Repairing holes in walls is pretty easy, given a few tools and a little patience. Browse through this article to learn how to fix a hole in the wall.

How To Fix A Hole In The Wall

Want to paint your house anew? But, just before you proceed towards this fun and enjoying task, your eyes get stuck at something. Hole in the wall! You have small and big holes in your walls. Gosh! From where did these holes and marks come from is the obvious question you ask yourself. Do not fear. There are various reasons that can create holes in your walls. Say, for instance, you nailed your wedding portrait onto your living hall which was later removed only to be relocated in your bedroom. Result? You have a nail mark in the living room wall. Similarly, regular wiring or plumbing processes can cause the walls to form holes. Further, shifting furniture from one place to another can also damage the walls. Worry not. Simply go through the lines below and follow the instructions for fixing those ugly holes in the walls, whether they are small or big.
Repairing Holes In Walls
Materials Required
  • A Putty Knife
  • A tub of Joint Compound/Spackling
  • A role of Mesh Joint Tape
  • Several Sheets of Fine Grade Sand Paper
  • A small tin of Primer
  • A Paint Brush
Repair Smaller Holes
Small holes are generally created by hanging nails that carry old pictures and portraits. These are pretty easy and quick to repair. To begin with, remove any high spots, loose paint, or rough edges using sandpaper.
Make The Repair
Place some joint compound on the tip of the putty knife. Applying enough pressure on the putty knife, force the compound into the holes. Leave the compound, in the holes, for drying.
Sand The Wall
Place a sheet of fine grade sandpaper over the repaired hole and gently smooth out the repaired area. This will give a smooth and even finish. Remove any rough, high spots.
Repair Larger Holes
To start repairing larger holes, big enough to fit a matchstick box, remove any dirt or debris from the holes. Sand down any high spots and rough edges with the help of sandpaper.
Cover The Hole
Cut two pieces of mesh joint tape, 2 inches longer than the width of the hole. Place the first piece over the hole and gently press onto the wall. Place the second piece such that it forms the letter ‘X’.
Apply The Compound
Just like with smaller holes, place the compound onto the tip of the putty knife and apply to the hole and mesh. Make sure that you do not overfill the hole with the compound, else it will start sagging. Apply one coat and wait till it dries. Thereafter, apply the next layer. Continue applying layers till the hole is completely covered.
Sand The Hole
Using fine grade sandpaper, sand the hole to get a smooth and even touch. However, ensure that you do not concentrate on a particular area for a longer duration, else the joint tape will be exposed and you’ll end up creating an indentation. Leave the repaired area untouched for sometime and you’ll find it to blend evenly with the surrounding wall.
Remove The Dust
Remove any dust or debris clinging to the treated area and surrounding areas with a damp sponge. After all, you wouldn’t want your new paint to stop from sticking onto the walls, right?
Apply Primer
Apply primer to the repaired areas to create a bond between the nonporous surfaces of the compound and the new coat of paint. Simply spread the primer liberally using a brush, ensuring that all the areas of the compound are covered.

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