In case you want to explore the best way of drinking wine, going through this article would prove to be of help. Read the information and learn how to drink wine, in the right way.

How To Drink Wine

Wine, an alcoholic beverages made from fermented grape juice, is a popular drink as far as cocktail parties are concerned. While you will easily find wine lovers across the world, hardly a few of them know the right way of drinking the beverage. Most of them just open the glass, pour the wine into a glass and drink it in a gulp. They are unaware of the steps like bringing the wine to the right temperature, selecting the perfect glass, letting the wine settle in and inhaling its aroma. In case you are one of them, reading this article would surely prove to be worthwhile. Go through the following lines and know how to drink wine.
Best Way Of Drinking Wine 
  • First of all, you will need to bring the wine to the right temperature for drinking. In case of white wine, you will need to chill it in the fridge for at least an hour before drinking. As for red wine, it is best served at room temperature.
  • After preparing the wine, it is the time to get a good bottle opener, as wine corks can be stubborn at times. It is always advisable to wipe off the top of the wine bottle, after removing the foil and before inserting the corkscrew.
  • Give the bottle cork a small inspection, to make sure that there is no mold or discoloration and in case there is, it does not extend beyond the top. Otherwise, do not drink wine from the bottle.
  • Now is the time to use the screw and remove the cork from the wine bottle. Thereafter sniff the cork, to make sure that there are no unpleasant aromas indicating spoilage.
  • In case your wine contains any sediment, you will need to decant it. In other words, pour it into another container, through cheesecloth, wire mesh or coffee filters. This will help remove the grit.
  • Take a wine glass and pour the drink in it. Now, let the wine settle (rather "breathe") in the glass, for a moment or longer. This will allow the complexity of the flavors to come through.
  • Smell the wine once again, this time to deeply inhale its scent. This will contribute a deal to its taste. In fact, the taste of a wine, as we 'perceive' it, depends a great deal upon its smell.
  • Finally, take a sip of the wine and hold it in your mouth for a moment. After you have been able to notice the different flavors of the drink, it is the time to gulp it down, though gently. 
  • While pairing wine with food, remember that red wines go best with red meat, while seafood and poultry are the best options for white wines.
  • Choose the wine glass carefully, as it contributes to the overall taste. As a rule, wines usually go in larger glasses, especially if served at dinner.
  • An old wine is always decanted just before serving, while younger wines need to be decanted a few hours before drinking.

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