Dealing with a jealous wife requires more than just the understanding of the meaning of jealousy. Explore this article to know the tips on how to deal with a jealous wife.

How To Deal With A Jealous Wife

Jealousy can be defined as “a feeling of concern or apprehension caused by a suspected rivalry in matters of interest and affection.”  There are three types of jealousies: competition, projected and delusional. Jealousy based on competition occurs when there is a real rivalry. Jealousy that is projected occurs when you blame your partner for being jealous, whereas it is really you who are feeling jealous. Jealousy that is delusional occurs when a person makes up imaginary scenarios in their heads that result in a feeling of jealousy. Read on further to know the tips for dealing with a jealous wife.
Tips For Dealing With A Jealous Wife
Be Patient
It is not certain that the person you have married will always be subjected to a fit of jealous rage. With time, people grow, mature and change. Issues and matters fretting over in the early stages of marriage may not be so important in the later stages. Have patience and you will go a long way to cope with the problem.
Get an insight of your Inner Self
Ask yourself and try to figure out what the exact situation is that is making your wife getting jealous. Have you done something that is eating up her trust or is it simply her imagination that you have done something ill? Help your wife get over the fear that is creating jealousy among you both.
Build Trust
Building trust into a relationship is very important to help your wife control her jealousy. You will have to build up on things to gain her trust. Do not give her a chance to think too deeply about any kind of delusional jealousy.
Help Build Self Esteem
Low self esteem can also be traced to a lot of issues with jealousy. Find out ways to contribute to building your wife’s self esteem. Find out different ways to praise her how she looks or what she says. Encourage her to take up a hobby or start a work out routine. Take every chance to make your wife feel admired and loved to avoid giving her a bout of jealousy.
Improve Communications
Like any other relationship, communicate with your wife as much as possible to help her overcome jealousy. Work out with your wife to better define the boundaries you have set for yourself in regard to your relationship. Tell her about other similar couples and set boundaries in a non-blaming way.
Reaffirm Commitment
A good relationship requires constant working. Work and discuss to reaffirm the commitment you had made to each other. Have fun with each other and move outdoors. Find hobbies that interest you both and take them up together.
Be Available and Responsive
Be available and responsive to your wife’s needs. Whenever your wife needs you, be there with her as this will calm her down. Consistently demonstrating to her that you can be counted will make your wife become more trusting and less suspicious.

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