Being funny is not an easy task and requires a lot of skill and caliber. In case you want to be funny and do not know how to do that, read the tips provided here and learn how to be funny.

How To Be Funny

Being funny is not a joke (pun intended!). Many people think that humor can be dealt with very easily. This is not true. You can make others cry in just fraction of a minute, but to make them laugh is a hard nut to crack. It requires a lot of skill to bring that 'million dollar smile' on the face of a person. To be funny, you need to know many things related to humor, like the situation, timing, etc. You also need to make sure that you come across as hilarious, but are not marked as clown. Crack jokes that make people laugh out loudly and not PJs that might make them stifle a yawn. In the following lines, we have provided a number of tips that will help you in being funny.
How To Be Funny 
  • Just Relax: The first and foremost requirement of being funny is to have a relaxed mind. Always try to be cool. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, if you want make others laugh, or at least smile, at your presence.
  • Take It Easy! Don't get too serious or tensed at tough situations. Ease up on life and yourself. Try to find humor especially in the situations that do not turn in your favor. Falling down on a banana peel is the best example. It gives pain, but humor is written all over the scenario!
  • Humor Yourself: Put a pause to your dull routine life. Crack some jokes and humor yourself. That is perhaps the best way to be in 'good humor'! In fact, if you can't' make yourself laugh, forget about making other people smile.
  • Be Ready For All Situations: You never know when a situation calls for humor, so be always ready. A reserve of jokes can come handy. Just make sure that you crack the jokes with good amount of humor.
  • Learn Timing & Mannerism: Being funny is not just about delivering great jokes. It is about cracking them at the right time. Your mannerism, attitude and the way you project yourself also count. Be animated and alive when you are talking - this can make a dull story funny and interesting.
  • Know Your Audience & Situation: This is another important thing to take into consideration. You should know whom you are talking to and what the situation is. Nobody would like to get witty at a mourning ceremony, isn't it? So, analyze the situation well before introducing humor into it.

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