Recent research has proved that red wine indeed has a variety of health benefits. Read the article below to learn more on the health benefits of red wine.

Health Benefits Of Red Wine

Red wine is perhaps the only drink, which along with the pleasure it affords, is also beneficial to your health. Red wine has also more nutritional value than the white wine, and it is excellent when paired with food. Red wine is rich in antioxidants and the various compounds like polyphenols, anthrocyanidins and resveratrol, work in various ways in boosting the health. However, it must be remembered that red wine is not the only answer for a better health. Most experts agree that though red wine has enormous health benefits, it must be accompanied with exercise, proper diet and disciplined lifestyle. On its own, red wine will have only a minimal effect on the health. The most important compound in red wine is resveratrol, which is the best health builder. It has been found that in countries in which wine is a traditional drink, the people are relatively safe from many diseases and disorders that afflict non-drinkers. Even though a host of other red wine health benefits is still under study, it is an accepted notion that a glass of red wine a day is better than the best health supplements. Drinking red wine in moderation will keep you healthy and sturdy till our scientists come up with the facts supporting it. Read the article given below on what the health benefits of red wine are.
 Health Benefits Of Drinking Red Wine
  • Red wines are a rich source of antioxidants, the most important and widely studied being resveratrol. This compound is found mostly in the skin and seeds of grapes. Several other antioxidants those are present in different quantities, all help in the protection and prevention of various diseases by eliminating the free radicals from the body. The antioxidants also prevent the body against heart diseases.
  • Moderate drinking of red wine also increases the bone density, particularly in elderly women. As such, it is very good in preventing osteoporosis.
  • Various studies have found that one to two glasses of red wine a day can help in preventing some types of cancer like ovarian and prostate cancer. This is because of the antioxidant resveratrol, which has the potential to inhibit the cell and protect it from any cancerous damage.
  • In moderate quantities, red wine also reduces the risk of heart disease, by clearing the arteries of Low Density Lipoproteins and increasing the balance of High Density Lipoproteins.
  • Red wine also prevents blood clotting because it has anticoagulant properties, which makes the platelets in the blood less prone to stick to each other. As such, red wine can prevent heart attacks and angina.
  • Red wine is also very effective in preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Red wine is also said to stimulate the secretion of acetylcholine, which improves the brain function and strengthens the memory.
  • A recent study has found that a glass of wine a day can lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Moderate consumption of red wine does not have a substantial effect on the blood sugar levels.
  • Red wine is very effective in various stomach ailments like diarrhea and irritations. It has anti-bacterial and soothing effect and so it is very good for all types of stomach disorders. Moderate wine consumption also lessens the risk of infection from the bacterium that causes gastritis and peptic ulcers and also lessens the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Since wine reduces the bad cholesterol, drinking wine in moderate quantities can also prevent the occurrence of gallstones, or lower its occurrence significantly.
  • The decline of vision with age can be prevented to a great extent with the moderate consumption of red wine. The anti-oxidant and anti-coagulant properties of red wine can slow down the effects of macular degeneration.
  • Red wine is rich in calories and carbohydrates. A standard serving contains about 106 calories and 2.51g of carbohydrates. As such when paired with food it significantly reduces the amount of food consumed, and this may result in the control of weight.

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