Red pepper not just peps up the dishes, but comes with a host of health benefits too. Read the on to know the nutrition & health benefits of eating red pepper and also explore its nutritional value.

Health Benefits Of Red Pepper

Red peppers are sweeter, juicier, riper variation of green peppers that does a little more than spicing up your cuisines. It is the best known variety of sweet peppers and comes loaded with innumerable health benefits. This bright colored pepper does not just add up as an interesting variety to your curries and salads, but comes packed with several essential nutrients like vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, betacarotene and folic acid. Like all brilliantly colored vegetables, red peppers too are a rich source of phytochemicals that have exceptional antioxidant activity. Researches have shown that red bell peppers contain significantly higher levels of nutrients than their green counterparts. They tally up as a zesty addition to eating experience and can be cooked or consumed raw. They are used extensively in salads, or cooked in stir-fries or other mixed dishes. Red peppers can be sliced into strips and fried, roasted whole or in pieces, or chopped and incorporated into salsas or other sauces. You can preserve them dry or make tasty pickles out of them. To know more on the health benefits of red pepper, read on.
Nutritional Value Of Red Pepper
Amount of Red Pepper: 1 cup
Total Weight of Red Pepper: 149 g
Basic Components
1.5 g
137 g
0.7 g
Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrate
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein
Total Carbohydrate
9.4 g
Dietary Fiber
3.1 g
6.3 g
Fats & Fatty Acids
Total Fat
0.4 g
Polyunsaturated Fat
0.1 g
Total Omega-3 Fatty Acids
37.2 mg
Total Omega-6 Fatty Acids
67.0 mg
Vitamin A
4666 I.U.
Vitamin C
190 mg
Vitamin E
2.4 mg
Vitamin K
7.3 mcg
1.5 mg
Vitamin B6
0.4 mg
68.5 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
0.5 mg
8.3 mg
10.4 mg
0.6 mg
17.9 mg
38.7 mg
314 mg
0.4 mg
0.2 mg
0.1 mcg
Nutrition & Health Benefits of Eating Red Pepper
  • Red peppers aren’t just tantalizing for your taste buds, these colorful peppers are a rich source of anti-carcinogenic carotenoid called lycopene that is believed to work against prostate cancer as well as cancer of the bladder, cervix and pancreas. Beta-cryptoxanthin, another carotenoid in red peppers is being held as a potential source of fighting against lung cancer.
  • Did you know that eating red peppers actually helps in losing weight? Red peppers contain substances that are believed to increase body’s heat production and oxygen consumption after eating that assists in burning calories and losing weight.
  • Red peppers are an excellent source of essential vitamins such as vitamin A & E. Vitamin A  is known to be good for vision, bone growth, immune function, cell function and skin health. Vitamin E helps prevent cell damage, cancer and heart disease.
  • Red pepper is also a rich source of vitamin C that helps strengthen your immune system. This is important in preventing infections as well as some cancers. It also helps increase iron absorption by your body.  High antioxidant levels contained in red pepper is known to lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Red bell pepper has 3g fiber, which helps to prevent colon and aids in digestive health, heart health and diabetes.
  • Red peppers also contain vitamin B6 that helps in brain functioning and aids the body to convert protein into energy. It is also a rich source of Vitamin B that aids in healthy metabolism, immune function, and cell growth and may help relieve symptoms caused by stress, depression and heart disease.
  • Red pepper contains Folate aids that is vital for brain health and fights heart disease. It is also necessary for blood cell formation, growth and prevention of liver disease. It is also believed to play a huge part in preventing birth defects.
  • Red pepper is an excellent source of potassium that aids in proper electrolytic functions and keeps the brain, heart, kidney and muscle tissues in good condition. It also reduces the risk of stroke and softens the effects of salt on blood pressure.

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