There are a number of factors that contribute to hair loss (or alopecia). In case you are looking to explore basic facts about alopecia, this article would prove beneficial to you.

Hair Loss Facts

Every person experiences considerable amount of hair loss at some point of time in their life. After all, average hair loss is normal. However, when the loss of hair becomes extensive, it might point to the medical problem called alopecia. There are various factors that result in alopecia, namely diet, pulling out one’s own hair, unforeseen consequences of voluntary hairstyling routines, family history of hair loss, any affliction from illness, and even different medications. Factors like heavy amount of stress and improper hair care can further increase the problem. Once we notice hair loss, we start finding solutions and remedies. However, at the same time, it is very important to understand the basic facts behind hair loss, as it will help you treat the problem in a better way. The lines given below will help you do just that.
Facts About Alopecia
  • Hair is made up of a protein called keratin.
  • A hair strand consists of a follicle from which the hair root grows, a root below the skin and a hair shaft that is visible to us.
  • The hair bulb, located at the lower end of the follicle, produces the hair’s color pigment called melanin.
  • A loss of 50 to 100 hair strands per day is considered normal. Any loss above this number is taken to be problematic.
  • Hair loss is seen in more than 50% men above the age of 50.
  • Around 40% of middle age women suffer from female pattern hair loss.
  • The main cause of hair loss is stress, which can result from excessive work, family problems, major illness or surgeries.
  • Hair loss can also occur due to hormonal problems, which are caused by an overactive or under-active thyroid gland. This happens due to an imbalance of androgen (male hormones) or estrogen (female hormones). Correcting the hormonal imbalance can stop hair loss.
  • Hair loss can be seen 3 months after giving birth, which again is considered a hormone disorder problem. Specific hormones cause the body to keep the hair that was supposed to fall naturally during pregnancy. Thus, hair fall after delivery is normal, as the hormones start acquiring the natural growth and loss cycle.
  • Another major cause of hair loss is chemotherapy. People who undergo chemotherapy experience it as one of the most challenging side effects.
  • Tight pigtails, cornrows, hair rollers and hot oil treatments or chemicals also result in hair loss. This kind is called traction alopecia. This type of hair loss will stop once you discontinue the practices.
  • Alopecia areata is a kind of hair loss that is caused by the person’s own immune system. The scalp gets bald in round patches, but grows back naturally within a year.
  • Poor nutrition also results in hair loss. People lose their hair if they do not get the necessary proteins, minerals and vitamins that are essential for hair growth.
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet to take good care of your hair. Do not rub your hair into the towel too vigorously. Allow it to dry naturally.
  • You need to style your hair when it is dry or at least damp, but not wet; else, it can stretch and break easily.

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