Tigers are one of the most beautiful and most endangered species. Some interesting facts here:

Facts About Tiger

One of the most beautiful as well as the most dangerous animals, tiger is mainly found inhabiting countries of China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Sumatra, Tibet, etc. A majestic creature, it belongs to the Carnivora order and the Panthera genus. Tiger is infact, the largest of four "big cats" in the Panthera genus. There are nine subspecies of tiger, three of which are extinct. The existing six include Royal Bengal tiger, Indochinese tiger, Malayan tiger, Sumatran tiger, Siberian tiger and South China tiger. Here are some some interesting facts about tigers:



Facts about Tiger


Binomial Name: Panthera tigris

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Genus: Panthera

Sub Species: Six

Length (head and body):

Male - 6 to 9 feet

Female - 5 to 6 feet

Length (tail):

Male - Upto 3 feet

Female - 2 to 3 feet

Length (skull):

Male - 10 to 15 inches

Female - 8 to 12 inches


Male - Upto 3 feet

Female - Upto 2.5 feet


Height - 400 to 660 pounds

Male - 250 to 450 pounds

Age: 10 years (wild), 25 years (captivity)

Diet: Large and medium sized animals

Natural Habitat: China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sumatra, Tibet, etc

Age of Maturity: 3-4 years

Gestation Period: 16 weeks

Number of Offspring: 3 to 4


Interesting and Amazing Information on Tigers 

  • Tigers always mark the territory they consider as their own. They do this by spraying the bushes and trees in the area, with a special mixture of urine and scent gland secretions. Along with that, tigers also leave scratch marks on trees.
  • The size of a tiger’s territory is dependent on the amount of food available in the area. Usually, it is around 10 to 30 square miles, but it might go up to 120 square miles also.
  • Tiger live alone and do not form groups. However, the territory of one tiger might overlap with that of another, especially of the member of opposite sex.
  • Wild tigers can eat as much as 60 pounds of meat at one time.
  • Usually, only one of ten hunting expeditions of a tiger becomes successful. So, it has to spend a lot of time in hunting.
  • Tiger cubs are of around 2-3 pounds at the time of birth and feed on their mother's milk until 8 weeks
  • Tiger start hunting for themselves after attaining 1½ years of age.
  • Tiger cubs continue to remain with their mother till they are 2-3 years old. Thereafter, they leave to find their own territory.
  • Tigers have excellent binocular and color vision. The night vision of a tiger is 6 times better than that of humans.
  • The footprints of a tiger are known as ‘pug marks’ and are useful for locating as well as counting the population of tigers.

Tiger Conservation

Tiger conservation efforts encompass a range of strategies aimed at protecting and preserving tiger populations and their habitats. Here are some crucial measures to save tigers around the world:

  1. Anti-poaching patrols and law enforcement to combat illegal hunting and trade of tiger parts.
  2. Establishment and management of protected areas and wildlife reserves to safeguard tiger habitats.
  3. Habitat restoration and reforestation initiatives to expand and improve tiger habitat quality.
  4. Community-based conservation programs that engage local communities in tiger conservation efforts through education, awareness, and sustainable livelihoods.
  5. Monitoring and research to assess tiger populations, track movements, and understand ecological requirements.
  6. Translocation and reintroduction programs to restore tiger populations in areas where they have been extirpated.
  7. Collaboration between governments, conservation organizations, and local communities to develop and implement conservation policies and initiatives.
  8. Public awareness campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of tiger conservation and garner support for conservation efforts.
  9. Addressing human-tiger conflict by implementing measures to reduce conflicts and promote coexistence between tigers and local communities.
  10. International cooperation and partnerships to coordinate conservation efforts across tiger range countries and address transboundary conservation challenges.

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