Death Stalker Scorpion is a venomous species of scorpion, belonging to the Buthidae family. Check out some interesting facts and amazing information on Deathstalker Scorpions.

Facts About Death Stalker Scorpion

One of the most venomous scorpions found on the face of earth, Death Stalker Scorpions (Leiurus quinquestriatus) can cause a highly dangerous situation for someone who has been stung. Highly aggressive in nature, these reptiles can cause fatal results within seconds. They come in different shades and hues and this color variation mainly depends on the locality where they reside. A member of the arachnid family, Deathstalker Scorpions are also known as Omdurman scorpions or Israeli desert scorpions in some places. The literal translation of the binomial name of this species is "five-striped smooth-tail". It is found in a number of regions around the world, ranging from the northern zone of Africa to the Middle East. To explore some more interesting facts and amazing information on Death Stalker Scorpions, go through the information given below.
Facts About Death Stalker Scorpion
Binomial Name: Leiurus quinquestriatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Chelicerata
Class: Arachnida
Order: Scorpiones
Family: Buthidae
Genus: Leiurus
Species: L. quinquestriatus
Length: 3.5 - 4.5 inches (9 - 11.5 cm)
Life Span: 5 years
Diet: Adults eat large insects, crickets and mealworms; babies feed on crickets, pinhead and other small insects
Range: From the Middle East to the northern zones of Africa, especially Egypt
Habitat: Scrubland and desserts; they hide in small natural burrows or under stones
Gestation Period: 2 to 5 months
Number of Offspring: Up to 30 young ones
Interesting & Amazing Information On Death Stalker Scorpions
  • Death Stalker Scorpion is a very poisonous species and its sting is regarded as highly dangerous. The poison secreted by the reptile contains a strong mixture of some neurotoxins that can cause intense and unbearable pain. This further leads to fever, coma, convulsions, paralysis and even death.
  • Normally, the potency of the venom of a scorpion depends on its pincer. The scorpions with strong, large pincers have no requirement for powerful toxins; while those with small, weak ones need to have strong poison to suppress their prey. Death Stalkers have small, weak pincers with dark colored tips, which can almost be regarded as black.
  • The females Death Stalkers are larger in size, than the males. This helps them accomplish their reproductive tasks.
  • Analysts and researchers have indicated that the venom of this scorpion species can be used as medication in certain conditions. Some even consider the venom to be effective in curing the discomfort experienced by cancer patients.
  • A compound, peptide chlorotoxin present in the venom of the Deathstalker Scorpion is said to have potential for treating brain growths in human beings.
  • Handling of this animal, for the purpose of study and research, should be undertaken with care, as a single sting is enough to cause immediate death. It is for this very reason that this species is housed in escape-proof enclosures.
  • While housing these scorpions, it is vital to provide adequate substrate, as they represent a burrowing species. This substrate can be anything ranging from peat moss, potting soil to sand or even a combination of the three.
  • The basic humidity requirement of Death Stalker Scorpion is around 45-50%, at 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Color mutations or adaptations can be seen very often in this species. It is based on the region from which it is obtained. This is one of the reasons why the scorpions are very popular among hobbyists.
  • A very easy way to identify and distinguish the Death stalker is from its thin cauda or tail and its thin claws or pedipalps.

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