The skin encases your whole body. It is a living organ consisting of several layers. The topmost layer of the skin is a protective covering that keeps the inner layers, muscles, fat tissues and blood vessels safe. Hence, it is very important for the underlying layer of the skin to be in the pink. Healthy skin will always be supple and well moisturized. However, many people suffer from dry skin which is regarded as an undesirable quality because it is unattractive. Dryness of the skin can be a symptom of a bad lifestyle or a specific disease and is more prone to rashes. It is a common phenomenon especially during winters. Moreover, dry skin is also prone to itchy rashes. It can even be painful as skin cracks can eventually begin to appear as well. These rashes can also be a mild symptom of allergy and can be caused by things that you hold such as your pets, the food that you eat or prevailing weather conditions. Read further to know more on the causes, symptoms and remedies for dry skin rashes.

Image: klavr@flickr
Causes, Symptoms And Remedies For Dry Skin Rashes
Though no specific cause can be pinned down for the outbreak of dry skin rashes, the following factors can have a role to play as they can make the skin dry.
Changes in the climate and cold winds are major causes of dry skin which can in turn lead to skin rashes
Exposing the skin to direct sunlight can cause dry skin in any climate. The sun’s heat dehydrates the skin by reducing its natural oils. This can cause the skin to flake.
Water is important to stay hydrated. However, water can dry the skin out in many ways as the more frequently the skin comes in contact with water and hotter the water , more oil gets leeched out of the skin leaving it dry and tight.
Certain soaps surround water molecules on the skin and take them away when they get rinsed off the skin. Usually, bar soaps are harsher than liquid body cleansers.
Certain medications make the skin porous and leaky thereby reducing its water content.
Sometimes malnutrition, kidney disease and dialysis can trigger dry skin as these health conditions deprive the skin of necessary vitamins.
Redness of the affected area
Dry skin
Burning, tingling or stinging sensation
Scaling or flaking of the skin
Changed texture of the skin
Cracking of the skin
Small blisters on the skin
To treat dry skin rashes, you must not venture into the sun. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can aggravate the rashes on your skin.
Dry skin rashes can also be caused by aftershave creams. You must stay away from alcohol based skin formulations or makeup items as they sap the skin of water.
Opt for soap free and perfume free cleaners for regular cleaning.
Your skin must be healthy from within so that it can keep dry skin rashes at bay. Increase your consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and fish to enhance your skin internally to reduce the occurrence of skin inflammation.
Applying a good body moisturizer will help in softening and conditioning your skin. However, do not apply a moisturizer that contains fragrance and other additives. It is best to use a skin moisturizer that is based on natural ingredients which reduces the skins exposure to harmful chemicals.
As rashes occur commonly on dry skin, it is important to keep your body hydrated and moist by drinking plenty of water. It is recommended that at least eight glasses of water be consumed every day. Skin that is insufficiently hydrated tends to develop rashes.
Hope you find the abovementioned information on dry skin rashes helpful. Eat healthy and drink lots of water and juices to have that enviable glowing skin.