Many women do now know how a miscarriage occurs and consequently how to avoid it. Read on to know common reasons for miscarriage.
Abnormalities In The Chromosomes
Miscarriages that occur because of problems in the chromosomes of the embryo are most common. In such cases, the miscarriage occurs within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes much before the woman realizes that she is pregnant. At best, it can be described as nature’s way of ending a pregnancy where the child may suffer and find it hard to survive. Most such chromosomal problems occur by chance and may not have anything to do with any of the parents. Post miscarriage genetic testing of the fetal material can help the physician determine the cause of the miscarriage.
A few illnesses have proved to increase the risk of miscarriages, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, when miscarriages do not occur under normal circumstances. Women with poorly controlled diabetes run a higher risk of undergoing a miscarriage at an advanced stage of pregnancy. Also, some other diseases like herpes simplex, Chlamydia, and high blood pressure increase the risk of miscarriage.
Hormonal Imbalance
If the body of the pregnant woman does not produce enough progesterone, a hormone that prepares the inner wall of the uterus to nourish a fertilized egg, the result is a miscarriage. In such cases, progesterone supplements should be given to the pregnant woman to avoid the occurrence of a miscarriage. An imbalance in hormone is also caused by diabetes mellitus or thyroid issues.
Immune System Problems
If all the elements of the immune system of the body of the woman, are not working in co-ordination, it may treat the baby as an invading organism capable of harming the woman, thus attacking it with anti-bodies. Treatment for such issues are still in the experimental stage and should not be tried until all other reasons for miscarriage have been explored and ruled out.
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