Green peas have been associated with a number of health as well as nutrition benefits. Read on to explore the nutritional value present in green peas.

Benefits Of Peas

Peas are mini-powerhouses, packed with flavor and benefits. Starchy, subtle and sweet, green peas are one of the most ancient vegetables and have been cultivated since time immemorial. These succulent vegetables grow in nutritious green-pods and first originated in the cold, sub-Himalayan plains in Asia. Today, green peas are one of the most commercial crops grown all over the world. Green peas, botanically classified as a fruit, have been used as vegetable, for cooking purposes, since ages. They can be described as the small, spherical seeds or the pods of the legume Pisum sativum. Green peas are mainly cultivated during the cool season i.e. from the start of winters to early-summers. There are different varieties of green peas such as sweet peas, English peas, garden peas, etc. Apart from being very rich in protein, they hold a high nutritional value in the form of vitamins and minerals too. Owing to this, they have been associated with a large number of nutrition benefits. If you want to learn more about the health benefits of eating green peas, read on.


Nutritional Value Of Green Peas


81 Kcal
14.45 g
5.42 g
Total Fat
0.40 g
0 mg
Dietary Fiber
5.1 g
65 µg
2.090 mg
Pantothenic acid
0.104 mg
0.169 mg
0.132 mg
0.266 mg
Vitamin A
765 IU
Vitamin C
40 mg
Vitamin E
0.13 mg
Vitamin K
24.8 µg
5 mg
244 mg
25 mg
0.176 mg
1.47 mg
33 mg
0.410 mg
1.8 µg
1.24 mg
449 µg
0 µg

Health & Nutrition Benefits Of Eating Green Peas
  • Being low in calories, green peas are good for those who are trying to lose weight.
  • Green peas are rich in dietary fiber, making them good for those suffering from constipation.
  • Studies have indicated that green peas might prove beneficial for those suffering from the problem of high cholesterol.
  • The high amount of iron and vitamin C in green peas has been found to help strengthen the immune system.
  • The lutein present in green peas helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • Green peas have been found to aid in energy production, nerve function and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Green peas provide the body with those nutrients that are important for maintaining bone health.
  • The folic acid and vitamin B6 in green peas are good for promoting the cardiovascular health of an individual.
  • Being rich in antioxidants, like vitamin C, green peas can help keep cancer at bay, particularly stomach cancer. A study in Mexico determined that only 2 milligrams of this wonder vegetable was required to prevent stomach cancer.
  • Consuming a cup of peas on a regular basis can get your weight back to normal on the weighing scale. The tiny vegetable is full of micronutrients, fiber and protein.
  • Green peas are believed to be the most health supportive foods, as they have plenty of beneficial elements, one of them being phytonutrients. Peas are an excellent source of Vitamin C and E, which help in reducing the accumulation of lipid on the artery walls, due to the presence of nicotinic acid.
  • In addition to Vitamin C and E, green peas also contain many essential B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, pyridoxine and niacin.
 Buying & Storing Tips
  • Green peas are essentially winter vegetables. These are typically sold from December until March in the market. However, if you are looking for all-season green peas, frozen peas are available in almost every super market. You can also find dry, mature and spit peas if you are not looking for frozen peas.
  • When buying fresh green peas, always make sure you pick fresh looking, green pods that are full, heavy and brimming with seeds. Avoid the peas with wrinkled or blotched surfaces.
  • Never buy over-matured peas. The peas are over-matured when their pods are yellow in color; they are not firm and emanate an acidic odor.
  • After you have purchased fresh green peas, immediately store them in the vegetable crisper compartment in the refrigerator, set to a high-relative humidity where they will remain fresh for about 2-3 days.
  • If you are buying frozen peas, make sure you store them in the freezer compartment. You don’t have to worry about their shelf life because frozen green peas can be stored for several months.
Cooking Tips
  • Before you start cooking the peas, you will have to trim away the excess stalk and the thin fiber along the suture line. Split open the outer coat and release the oval, green peas
  • Remove the peas that look shriveled or are yellow in color.
  • Wash them thoroughly to remove any dust or traces of fungicide/insecticide.
  • If you are using frozen peas, you might find a coating of ice around the peas. Run these peas under water for a while and thaw the ice. You can then use the peas after 5-10 minutes for cooking.

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